5 marketing trends for the New Year

3rd December 2021

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One of my favourite aspects of the Christmas season is getting an opportunity to be thoughtful, reflect and consider ways to approach a new year. 

It’s important to give yourself kudos for all that has been learned and achieved over the past 12 months. If you’re like me, you will have been presented with some ‘sink or swim’ dilemmas. From scrapping and creating new business and marketing plans, to finding new ways adapt, maintain presence and explore new skills. 

In many ways the pandemic has enhanced competition – it has created an opportunity for innovative businesses to lead on technology, invest in talent and take business from competitors who have failed to keep up and maintain their position. As some businesses have risen, many longstanding brands have fallen on a local and national level. 

As we approach a new calendar year, there is no better time to grab a pen, pad and a glass of wine to consider your goals and strategy for 2022. 

Here are 5 marketing trends for you to consider adding to your marketing plans for the New Year:

1.Customer Experience

Marketing is more than selling – it is increasingly focused on providing consumers with great experiences and products that encourage retention. More businesses are focusing on building and maintaining a positive working culture to support quality service and great PR. The rise in technology has enhanced customers’ demands for accessibility and efficiency – customers want to be provided a smooth service from the beginning to the end of their customer journey. Marketing experts are constantly exploring ways to use personalised messaging to connect with prospective customers as well as to support them in making a decision to purchase. Now is a great time to consider new ways to coordinate your marketing strategy with sales and customer service to execute the best service for your customers. 

2. Employee Engagement

In order to provide the ultimate efficient and friendly service, you need a reliable workforce. Research from Marketing Insider Group suggests that 46% of customers are not likely to remain loyal to brands who fail to showcase knowledge and a positive attitude towards customers. Employees represent a part of a brand’s identity. Therefore, exploring ways to improve interactions between employees and customers should be factored into your marketing strategy. The goal should be for your employees to want your business to be as successful as you do. Initiatives to consider could be, taking time to consider ways to align your employees with your brand values. Investing in the professional development of staff and actively encouraging them to enhance skills in marketing can also support employee engagement. 

3. Visual Story Telling Content

What captures your attention when exploring a new product or service to buy? In recent marketing studies, it has been suggested that people favour visual content over written. This is just one of the reasons many people increasingly use image focused digital platforms such as Pinterest, TikTok and Instagram.  According to Venngage Marketing Psychology, the human brain processes visual content 60,000 times faster than written content. Considering ways to enhance or implement visual content into your written content can enhance customer engagement. 

4. Video Marketing

Implementing video into your marketing strategy for 2022 should be considered if it has not already. Videos are more likely to support first-page SERP rankings in comparison to other SEO tactics. Marketing research suggests that 84% of consumers have used video content before making a purchase. To some, the thought of getting in front of a camera and using video technology can be a little daunting. But with a new year just around the corner, there is no better time to set yourself challenges that have the opportunity to create confidence internally and buy-in externally. Product and service demos, webinars, virtual events and live video events are just a few examples you could consider adding into your marketing plan for the 2022.

5. Consumer Ethics

Current trends suggest that consumers are more mindful of buying habits that can impact the environment & our society. Consumers are more considerate of the brands they buy into. To reduce impact to the environment, many businesses have already started to make changes internally. But as I have highlighted in a previous article ‘Freedom of Social Activism & Social Media’, social responsibility has become an important factor. The Black Lives Matter movement is an example that highlights consumers are increasingly attracted to brands that practice what they preach. 

Whether your business is finance, law, property or retail etc., there is always opportunity for your brand to be ethically responsible. Promoting how your company is contributing to make positive changes in the community can be just as valuable as advertising and other marketing tactics. 

As we have witnessed in recent years, we cannot predict the future with certainty. But we can explore insights and trends that provide some useful possibilities and exciting new developments for your business explore.

A new year provides a fresh start; new challenges, opportunities and goals. Where there are lessons to be learned, new knowledge to be obtained and goals to be reached, there is always something good to look forward to! So begin your new year with a positive vision, some great objectives and a plan outlining how you aim to achieve them. 

A new year… a new marketing strategy!

Thank you to everyone who has read and engaged with my monthly blogs via SBT Magazine this year. I really appreciate all the comments and feedback, but most importantly, having the opportunity to share my content via this leading Sussex based magazine. 

Have a wonderful Christmas & an even happier New Year!