52 x 52 Triathlon Challenge

8th August 2022

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SBT’s Sam Thomas caught up with Rob Starr, Founder and Chairman of the Starr Trust charity, to see how he’s fairing with his extreme year-long 52 x 52 Triathlon Challenge. 

An Olympic Distance Triathlon every week for 52 weeks during 2022 to raise money for local young people struggling to overcome roadblocks in their lives. Rob is more than half-way to completing his challenge, having ticked off an amazing 34 out of his 52 challenges to date. He plans to double up some weeks to be finished by the end of November. 

Sam Thomas said: “I believe in life, we meet people who have a profound impact on us, change our lives and inspire us to in many ways. For me, Rob Starr is one of those people. I have heard Rob’s story in the past, about his business journey, why he started the Starr Trust and many of his previous challenges such as swimming the channel, Ironman Long Distance Triathlon and many more, but, after doing the cover story at the beginning of the year and getting to know this amazing individual, I am simply in awe of his incredible mindset and feel lucky to now call him a friend. When I met him for a sea swim, he had been suffering with his sciatic pain but didn’t let that beat him and, rather than the 1500 metres he needed to swim, we actually swam over 2.5km. This amazing challenge he has set himself is quite an incredible feat and, over 60% of the way, he is getting closer to his target. If you are yet to sponsor or support him, I urge all our members and readers to do so. Keep going mate, you are smashing it.”

Rob Starr said: “Now being over 60% into the challenge, I finally realise how difficult it is; clearly I am a slow learner! The hardest part has been trying to keep injury-free, which has not always been possible, and then carrying on regardless of the pain. The other tough part about the challenge is definitely the mental aspect rather than the physical; having to push forward no matter how I feel. When Sam surprised me by joining me for my sea swim one morning after my sciatic nerve started playing up, we swam pier to pier and back – Sam’s furthest sea swim ever. I was so happy to have his company and support – Sam truly is a good friend. So far we have raised just over £50,000 of our £100,000 target. The amazing money we are raising is already changing the lives of so many young people and along the way I am becoming the fittest I have ever been. That’s a win-win in my book. Absolutely no regrets at all.”

Find out more about getting involved as a business or sponsoring: enquiries@starrtrust.org Or visit: www.starrtrust.org