Bright ideas on the move

15th September 2023

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How the Brighter Business Path could support you with your bright ideas.

The most remarkable ideas often come to us in the shower.

They sneak up when we are sitting bored in traffic. They are sparked whilst we’re in deep conversation with a stranger. These ideas do not come to us on demand, whilst we brainstorm, nor whilst we’re sat, beavering away at the ‘to-do list’.

Great ideas come to us at the moment we least expect it.

Where do your best ideas come from?

For Sonny Cutting, founder of multiple ventures and dad to twins, ideas have a funny way of coming to him. They appear when he is on the move. Whilst he travels, whilst he spends time with his family and whilst he is out and about networking.

Today, his four ventures seamlessly take businesses from one stage to the next on their ‘Brighter Business Path’. A journey which supports those with the entrepreneurial fire to take the next steps towards growth and a successful enterprise.

Sonny’s creation of the Brighter Business Path came from his own experiences through the years and smart identification of distinct gaps.

But his four services were not generated in the boardroom. These organic ideas have emerged from conversations and epiphanies at unexpected moments.

What is on the Brighter Business Path and how can it help you?

A Brighter Business Path

The holistic vision of an end-to-end business path that empowers business owners every step of the way came for Sonny from a whole host of unexpected twists and turns.

The synergy and bringing together of each part of the journey was sparked during a conversation with another friend in business, Natasha Kingdon of H2 Words. It was during their catch-up, that Sonny recognised the power of bringing together the distinct and individual brands to help support businesses at every stage of their path.

Today the Brighter Business Path truly supports an entrepreneurial spirit, from end to end.

Navigating the perils of starting out, to successful establishments that now can give back, helping those taking their first step, and everything in between. Each venture fulfils a need the entrepreneur may face on their path towards being a successful business.

It is with the vision of the Brighter Business Path that Sonny looks forward to supporting others, not just for the destination, but the journey it takes you along the way.

Ideas come at the times you’re least expecting them, so get out there.

What are Sonny’s top tips for great ideas?

1. Have conversations. Throw yourself into situations where you are forced to interact. Remember the basic need for human interaction – the Zoom calls won’t quite cut it! You never know what could spark an interesting thought.

2. Travel. Get out into the world. Interact with the world. See places you’ve never been. This doesn’t mean you have to go to far-flung places, simply just exploring your local streets can do the trick.

3. Have fun. With your friends and with your family. Play more. Try a few games. Playing and gamification unlocks a whole new level of creativity.

When you’re on the move, interacting, rather than staring at a screen, you never know what unexpected ideas you may have…

And if you’re looking for business support at any part of your journey, then take a look at for guidance – whether you’re considering taking the entrepreneurial leap, you’re looking for investment, you are looking to advertise or you’re looking for a community.

Network Xpress, the Brighter Business Path, really does have it all.

The Entrepreneurs’ Blog

‘I get by with a little help from my friends – The Beatles

The Beatles knew it. And Sonny does too. Everyone needs a little bit of help. And that is particularly true if you are starting a business.

Over lunch with a good friend, Fay Millar of Brighton Cakes, the pair were musing about what they felt they had lacked at the start of their careers. They wished for a central information hub that could help serve businesses seeking advice on the medley of life that accompanied entrepreneurship.

A previous digital marketing blog Sonny had run had been dull and lifeless. He wanted a more personal blog that encouraged people to open up. Together, he and Fay worked their magic on what is now known as The Entrepreneurs’ Blog.

An eclectic mix of articles, written by entrepreneurs for entrepreneurs.

It offers the platform for businesses that have ‘made it’ to give back to help those starting out by sharing their own words of wisdom and guidance.

Whilst initially published on Sonny’s networking events site, COVID-19 presented a unique opportunity to give the blog its own site. Sonny snapped imagery with his beloved Nikon D90 and his pictures and the new site exclusivity gave the brand a real individual feel.

The Entrepreneurs’ Blog covers many aspects of life and business, ranging from advice on being an entrepreneur (as well as featuring successful entrepreneurs), and general life advice from experts.

The blog posts are to help mitigate the stresses of owning your own business. Topics vary from meditation and simple brain training skills to personal development and how to deal with stress.

Those who have perhaps eagerly scoured the Entrepreneurs’ Blog for advice might need investment to start their own business.

The Tiger’s Pen

‘What if we could provide a funding and mentoring platform for start-ups?’ – Sonny Cutting

This is where the Tiger’s Pen steps up on the Brighter Business Path.

As an avid viewer of the BBC programme Dragons’ Den, and the show’s original inspiration Shark Tank, Sonny knew how critical investment could be to businesses.

He was honoured to be invited by Pete Baikins, creator of Gamification+, to Brighton University to be a ‘Dragon’ alongside other business-minded individuals. Students would pitch their business plans for investment opportunities and mentorship opportunities.

Later, whilst playing with his kids up on the Sussex Downs, surrounded by the beautiful countryside views of rolling hills and views out to the sea, Sonny suddenly had an epiphany.

His already vibrant orange branding, a personal love for tigers and a thrill from his experience as a ‘Dragon’, gave way to a ‘bigger picture’ idea.

“What if we could provide a platform for start-ups in Brighton and the wider Sussex region that provides funding and mentorship?”

And so, the Tiger’s Pen was born.

Designed for start-ups looking for investment and some extra advice from Tigers who have been there before them, the Tiger’s Pen is for energetic entrepreneurs to pitch their magic ideas to experienced investors.

Sonny managed to test run the pen with Pete Baikin’s help at Brighton University, with students pitching business ideas ranging from women’s bamboo lingerie, a high-end bedside table and lamp which doubled up with USB adapters, to an app which helped people in nightclubs. All innovative and clever concepts from the minds of student entrepreneurs from the university.

The Tiger’s Pen offers students and start-ups access to business resources, videos and podcasts. The whole venture provides guidance from the experienced directors, founders and business owners who form the collective hub of Tigers at the heart of the Tiger’s Pen.

Those who have managed to secure funding then may look to grow their business through advertising and making connections.

The Sussex Business Show

‘None of this would have happened if the pandemic hadn’t hit – it forced me to fight, after losing 97% of revenue….’ – Sonny Cutting

The Sussex Business Show offers businesses the next stage of support on their Brighter Business Path. Once up and running and looking to advertise, business owners can choose to get a stand or attend the infamous trade shows run by Sonny.

These trade shows come with a gamification twist. They are themed to break the ice and revolve around making networking fun.

The evolution of the Sussex Business Show came from its roots in Sonny’s original business – Network Xpress, or Net XP. Pre-COVID, Net XP ran four events a year, growing year on year.

But on a cold, wet day in March 2020, lockdown changed everything.

The events industry took a monumental hit, as did the income of Net XP, losing 97% of revenue overnight. At this point, Sonny had a choice – either close the business and get a job or do something radical and bring to the market a new style of tradeshow.

In June 2020, a conversation with a fellow business owner, Rachel of Shake It Up Creative, sparked a rebrand of Net XP to create a premier, game-themed county event, launching a new style of tradeshow with a new website and new logo. A tradeshow that would bring businesses across Sussex together at the right time.

May 5th 2022 was the chosen relaunch date. The show at the South of England Event Centre in Ardingly was a booming success with over 500 attendees.

Yet over 33% of businesses from the Ardingly event were from Brighton and Hove, making Sonny realise that Brighton was the scene to tap into. Especially with his Tiger’s Pen foothold in Brighton University and new friends in the area.

Meeting and having a chat with another good friend in business, Flo Powell of Midnight, led to the suggestion to host the 2023 Sussex Business Show at the Brighton Dome.

With a few associated risks, Sonny knew he needed to be bold to make moves with a venue that would deliver an iconic experience in a unique venue. Flo’s reassurances in that conversation sparked a courage that moved the Sussex Business Show to book the Brighton Dome and it is set to be a truly unforgettable tradeshow on the 28th of September 2023.

Those who have enjoyed exhibiting or visiting trade shows may then be searching for sophisticated and high-level business camaraderie and support.

The Directors’ Hub

‘The hub is levelling up my knowledge, network & experience, which as a new business is invaluable.’ – Bruce Bignell, Evolve.

The Directors’ Hub – once you’re an established LTD company and a Director – gives you a safe space to talk and rant and seek like-minded individuals.

Like many good ideas, the spark of the Directors’ Hub came over a pint in the pub.

In 2019, Sonny was helping a friend who was having issues in her business with a content management system. Despite paying a website company, the updates she needed to stop her website from getting hacked, were unfortunately not included. Sonny also shared the challenge he was facing with time management for his accounts and bookkeeping. After discussing a few solutions between the pair, they exchanged ideas and helped each other.

It was then, over the pint, that the idea of the Directors’ Hub first came to Sonny.

“What if there was a hub to bring directors and founders together to discuss and problem-solve common issues?”

And so the Director’s Hub came to be.

Whilst initially in locations such as the Grand Hotel and Malmaison in Brighton Marina, room hires were proving to be a sticking point on costs. After some searching, networking and more conversations, Sonny eventually found the perfect spot at The Sportsman in Hassocks.

Over the years, the hub grew, and soon it was clear that the members were travelling far and wide to get to Hassocks. The group was spiralling into a far bigger crowd than initially desired for an intimate safe business space.

The solution was clear: more hubs across Sussex were needed.

The Directors’ Hub has now grown from one group in Hurst to eight in four years and more groups are in the mix to support founders and directors alike in 2024.

The hub supports you like your very own team, and gives space for directors to share problems, become mentors to others and give back – by contributing to the Entrepreneurs Blog.

The most remarkable ideas often come to us in the shower.

They sneak up when we are sitting bored in traffic. They are sparked whilst we’re in deep conversation with a stranger. These ideas do not come to us on demand, whilst we brainstorm, nor whilst we’re sat, beavering away at the ‘to-do list’.

Great ideas come to us at the moment we least expect it.

Where do your best ideas come from?

For Sonny Cutting, founder of multiple ventures and dad to twins, ideas have a funny way of coming to him. They appear when he is on the move. Whilst he travels, whilst he spends time with his family and whilst he is out and about networking.

Today, his four ventures seamlessly take businesses from one stage to the next on their ‘Brighter Business Path’. A journey which supports those with the entrepreneurial fire to take the next steps towards growth and a successful enterprise.

Sonny’s creation of the Brighter Business Path came from his own experiences through the years and smart identification of distinct gaps.

But his four services were not generated in the boardroom. These organic ideas have emerged from conversations and epiphanies at unexpected moments.

What is on the Brighter Business Path and how can it help you?

A Brighter Business Path

The holistic vision of an end-to-end business path that empowers business owners every step of the way came for Sonny from a whole host of unexpected twists and turns.

The synergy and bringing together of each part of the journey was sparked during a conversation with another friend in business, Natasha Kingdon of H2 Words. It was during their catch-up, that Sonny recognised the power of bringing together the distinct and individual brands to help support businesses at every stage of their path.

Today the Brighter Business Path truly supports an entrepreneurial spirit, from end to end.

Navigating the perils of starting out, to successful establishments that now can give back, helping those taking their first step, and everything in between. Each venture fulfils a need the entrepreneur may face on their path towards being a successful business.

It is with the vision of the Brighter Business Path that Sonny looks forward to supporting others, not just for the destination, but the journey it takes you along the way.

Ideas come at the times you’re least expecting them, so get out there.

What are Sonny’s top tips for great ideas?

1. Have conversations. Throw yourself into situations where you are forced to interact. Remember the basic need for human interaction – the Zoom calls won’t quite cut it! You never know what could spark an interesting thought.

2. Travel. Get out into the world. Interact with the world. See places you’ve never been. This doesn’t mean you have to go to far-flung places, simply just exploring your local streets can do the trick.

3. Have fun. With your friends and with your family. Play more. Try a few games. Playing and gamification unlocks a whole new level of creativity.

When you’re on the move, interacting, rather than staring at a screen, you never know what unexpected ideas you may have…

And if you’re looking for business support at any part of your journey, then take a look at for guidance – whether you’re considering taking the entrepreneurial leap, you’re looking for investment, you are looking to advertise or you’re looking for a community.

Network Xpress, the Brighter Business Path, really does have it all.