What next for your business?

8th July 2024

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Asks Andrew Page, Commercial Finance Manager at SEICO Group.

No two businesses are the same. To the onlooker, your business might look just like someone else’s. But no matter how many similarities there are, your business is different, unique. That’s because it’s yours. Whatever you trade in, or whatever service you provide, the direction your business will take depends on how you choose to take things forward – and your motivation and needs are unique and exclusive to you.

You may be looking to expand, consolidate, diversify or even make a graceful exit – each of these options presents a different challenge but all have one thing in common – which is that money, cashflow or funding of some description will be required.

For example, you may have spotted an opportunity to sell a product in a new market or location- but how will you fund the necessary stock or purchase the raw materials, or find space to store it all?

You may have an opportunity to take on a new contract which will require additional staff and machinery, but will take time to pay for itself – where will the money come from?

Or perhaps you are fed-up with renting and wish to own your own premises, how do you go about achieving that?

Whatever you want to achieve, I can say that there will be a way of financing the project in a way that works with your business, and that suits you – not just the lender. In fact, it is in every lender’s interest to offer finance in a way that works for the client – they want to do business in this way because it is less risky for them. The trick is to find the solution.

At Seico we have been finding the solution, and the right lender, for over 30 years, for business and personal customers alike.

The best answer to your question (whatever it may be) might surprise you, so why not get in touch with me at Seico and we can explore your options.

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