From cricket pitches to financial planning: Will Beer’s journey

12th September 2024

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Will Beer, a former professional cricketer for Sussex, has made an impressive transition from the world of sports to the financial sector.

After a successful 15-year career in cricket, Will decided to chart a new path as a Financial Planner at Servo Private Wealth. This article explores his journey, the challenges he faced, and how he has applied the lessons learned on the cricket field to his new profession.

Will, tell us about your journey and how you became involved with Servo Private Wealth.

My journey into financial planning began in 2021 when I was offered a short-term contract with Sussex Cricket. At the same time, my wife and I were expecting our first child, which prompted me to start thinking seriously about life after cricket. I knew that my professional sporting career wouldn’t last forever, and I wanted to ensure I had a solid plan in place for the future, not just for myself but for my growing family.

Through a mutual connection, I was introduced to James Mallinson, the CEO of Servo Private Wealth. James was in the process of expanding his team and was looking to bring on board a trainee Financial Planner. It felt like the stars aligned; we had an in-depth discussion about my aspirations and how the skills I had developed during my cricket career could translate into financial planning. Fortunately, James saw potential in me, and I was offered an exciting opportunity to join the Servo team while still playing cricket. This allowed me to start gaining experience in financial planning while continuing to do what I loved on the cricket field.

What achievement during your time at Servo Private Wealth are you most proud of, and why?

Without a doubt, the achievement I’m most proud of is passing my exams and qualifying as a Financial Planner in record time. Transitioning from a 15-year career in professional cricket to a completely new industry was no small feat. However, I was determined to succeed. I threw myself into my studies, dedicating long hours to learning the intricacies of financial planning, all while balancing my responsibilities on the cricket field and at home (and with a newborn baby!).

Completing the CII Level 4 Diploma in Regulated Financial Planning was a significant milestone for me. Not only did it mark the beginning of my second career, but it also represented a validation of all the hard work and dedication I had invested in this new path. Now, as a fully qualified Financial Planner, I feel incredibly fortunate to have found a career where I can use the skills I honed in sport—such as discipline, teamwork, and strategic thinking—to work collaboratively with clients and help them achieve their financial goals.

What strategies or initiatives have you implemented that have positively impacted the business?

One of the advantages of coming into the financial planning industry as an outsider is that I was able to bring a fresh perspective. Servo Private Wealth is a highly qualified team, with everyone holding at least a Diploma qualification or higher, which is quite rare in our industry. However, with that level of expertise, it’s easy to fall into established routines and methods. I saw an opportunity to innovate by integrating modern technology into our processes.

I’ve been particularly focused on leveraging AI and financial planning software to enhance the client experience. One of the initiatives I’m most proud of is the development of new visual tools that allow clients to see their current financial position versus their projected future position all on one page. This simplified, yet comprehensive, view has made it easier for our clients to understand complex financial concepts and see the tangible benefits of the plans we put in place for them.

The feedback from clients has been overwhelmingly positive. They appreciate the clarity and ease with which they can now grasp their financial situation, and this has significantly enhanced our offering. By making financial planning more accessible and understandable, we’ve been able to strengthen our client relationships and provide even greater value.

How do you think your background as a professional cricketer has influenced your approach to your current role?

My background as a professional cricketer has had a profound influence on how I approach my role as a Financial Planner. Cricket is a team sport that requires strong communication, strategic thinking, and an ability to perform under pressure—all skills that are directly transferable to financial planning.

At Servo, we’re a small team, and our success depends on our ability to work together and maximise each individual’s strengths. My experience in cricket taught me the importance of resilience and adaptability—qualities that are essential in the ever-changing landscape of financial services. Whether it was recovering from a difficult match or adapting to new playing conditions, cricket taught me to stay focused on the long-term goal and to continually strive for improvement.

I bring this same mindset to my role at Servo. In financial planning, the regulatory environment is constantly evolving, and it’s crucial to stay ahead of these changes to provide the best advice to our clients. Just as in cricket, where preparation and strategy are key to success, in financial planning, staying informed and adaptable is essential.

What motivates you to continue striving for excellence in your position?

For me, the most rewarding aspect of financial planning is the opportunity to help clients achieve their financial goals. There’s a lot of uncertainty in the world today, and the last few years have been particularly challenging for many people. Being in a position to offer sound, independent advice that can make a real difference in someone’s life is incredibly fulfilling.

We pride ourselves on being an independent firm, which means we’re not tied to any specific products. This allows us to base our recommendations solely on what’s best for our clients, without any product-driven bias.

How do you measure and define success?

On a personal level, my greatest achievement is seeing my children grow up happy and healthy. We welcomed our second child last summer, and watching both of them thrive is a huge source of joy and motivation for me. Professionally, success at Servo is about growth—working with more business owners and families across Sussex to help them secure their financial futures. I want to make a positive impact on our clients’ lives and to see our business continue to grow and succeed in helping others.

What advice would you give to someone looking to follow a similar career path?

Transitioning into a second career can be daunting, but it’s important to step out of your comfort zone and ask as many questions as possible. Financial planning is a rewarding career where you get to work with fascinating, successful people and help them plan for the rest of their lives.

If you’d like to start your financial planning journey or discuss your financial situation further, feel free to email Will directly at