BOXLESS welcomes latest expert consultant

12th September 2024

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Via the love of African cuisine, the prospect of helping restore the Sussex Bay and a shared vision for business models that unbox culture, Dougal Fleming joins BOXLESS as Environmental Sustainability Lead.

Some readers might already know Dougal as a non-exec Director of the Sussex Chamber of Commerce and others as an Innovation Advisor from the University of Brighton’s Clean Growth UK. Over the last seven years of working within the circular economy, green innovation and in service to the SMEs of Sussex, he brings experience of Carbon Accounting, Net Zero strategy and building regenerative business models, with a little spice of rebellion.

In his most recent post at Clean Growth UK, he worked at the intersection of a huge business and academic network. The scope and opportunities within the space deepened Dougal’s belief that green innovation and nature-based solutions should be at the roots of local businesses. He is most motivated to work with anyone who has a motivation and commitment, not just help avoid climate catastrophe, but become nature positive to grow wilder places worth living in.

Dougal comments: “Imagine, if we had a value for biodiversity, and your company could make money by growing or investing in nature. What if through the course of trading goods and services you could make your community’s air cleaner, forests thicker, water purer, soil richer, or honey sweeter? If you meet one of the growing numbers of local and international ethical and purpose led investors, they will consider this added value on your balance sheet.”

Dougal’s aim with BOXLESS is very much aligned with the core value of the business, to do things outside the box and avoid the one-size-fits-all solutions that more often than not take away the drive and authenticity of efforts.

Dougal adds: “Sussex is ideally placed with sea and protected green space acting as bread sandwiching the urban areas. However, the truth about how well we, the businesses and residents, look after that gets overlooked, the evidence is our dirty rivers and declining air quality. Among a long list of areas to improve we have to ask ourselves: How did it come to this, and what are we going to do about it?”

Bud Johnston, BOXLESS founder, commented: “I attended a Net Zero 360 workshop that Dougal delivered earlier in the year and was blown away with Dougal’s passion and ability to engage the room. When an opportunity came about to bring him into BOXLESS it was a no-brainer. I’m excited to be working together, having him as part of the BOXLESS offering will be a huge bonus for existing clients.”

Dougal believes the majority of organisations fall within the categories below. At Boxless we suggest businesses consider which category they fall into & if you want to take action?

The sceptic

“We don’t believe Climate Change is a real problem and have no interest      in change.”

The silent majority

“We know Climate Change is happening but we haven’t got the time or money to do anything at the moment.”

The wave rider

“We’ve known Climate Change is happening and have made some changes that save us money on our main emissions hotspots. We would like to explore what more we can do.”

The pack leader

“We have made changes to our business, our staff are on board and we now declare our emissions and have an accreditation.”


“We have fundamentally changed our business model and define ourselves as environmental leaders within our industry.”

Dougal’s Top Environmental Tips to explore within your business:

1. Do a carbon calculation. It is the best way to get an accurate indication of what your environmental impact is.

2. Think about your company’s environmental touch points, and put ideas to clean them up into 5 buckets: Supply Chain / Waste / Energy & Buildings / Water / Transport.

3. What are you going to do Now / Next / Later?

4. Decide on your first step towards restoring nature, and how does it relate to your brand?

5. Engage your entire team – take ideas from the floor – invest in those ideas.

6. Ask for help and guidance from consultants like BOXLESS to join you on this journey.

BOXLESS is keen to be part of your journey, and we are ready to listen to where you are on your journey, to help make Sussex a more inhabitable place to dwell.