Unboxing potential: B Corp expert joins BOXLESS

13th October 2024

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The BOXLESS crew all agree: adding B Corp expert Mica Janiv to the team was ‘a total no-brainer’. Mica tells us why going BOXLESS is the way forward, and gives us the inside scoop on B Corp.

The BOXLESS ethos is, as the name suggests, to move businesses away from ESG and DE&I box-ticking exercises and onto a holistic, purpose-driven journey towards being stronger, better, more resilient and happier. So, how does that line up with B Corp?

B Corp and BOXLESS share a common vision: creating workplaces and outcomes that are inclusive, equitable, and focused on long-term regenerative growth for all businesses.

Mica Janiv, who has helped upwards of 35-plus businesses navigate the tricky terrain of B Corp certification, has seen first-hand how the process puts companies on a strategic path towards being a force for good.

“Of all the sustainability frameworks I’ve seen,” Mica says, “ the B Corp Impact Assessment is the only one that sparks genuine excitement and commitment at every level, in every department. Once complete, it doesn’t go back in the drawer, it becomes a roadmap.”

That’s key to the way BOXLESS operates.

“When I first met Bud,” Mica continues, “he said BOXLESS won’t work with any business looking for short-term quick fixes. I knew I had found my tribe!”

As a strategic consultancy, BOXLESS supports organisations navigating their social and environmental responsibilities by aligning these with brand values, mission and vision. It’s about setting up a long-term game plan and driving organisational success through the power of culture and community.

Why B Corp and BOXLESS are good for business

In today’s world, consumers and employees are increasingly making values-based decisions, choosing brands that prioritise sustainability, transparency, and social responsibility. As businesses evolve to meet these expectations, one certification has emerged as a gold standard for companies wanting to prove their commitment to doing good: B Corp.

Administered by the nonprofit B Lab, this certification assesses businesses across five key areas: governance, workers, community, environment, and customers. In short, it’s a holistic way to measure a company’s impact beyond just its financial performance.

According to Mica, there’s growing awareness around what B Corp is, but still a veil of mystery around how to navigate the process and actually get certified.

Here, Mica shares her most commonly asked questions about B Corp:

How long does it take to get B Corp certified?

The short answer is 6-10 months.

The long (and more honest) answer is that this process is complex and different for each business. Mica’s advice is to map out a timeline before you invest.

If you’re looking at a timeline, it’s helpful to know that all B Corps must recertify after three years and show improvement in order to keep their B Corp status.

How much does it cost?

B Corp fees are on a sliding scale based on a company’s revenues, starting at £1,000 per year.

But there’s good news for any UK entrepreneurs facing systemic barriers. A 40% equity discount is applied each year to all B Corps with an annual revenue under £5m that are majority-owned ( >50% ) by people of colour and underrepresented ethnicities, women-owned, LGBTQ-owned or disabled person owned.

There are also one-off submission and verification fees (again, on a sliding scale) to pay for the third party evaluation and verification process.

There’s a fee calculator on The B Corp UK website https://bcorporation.uk/ and of course BOXLESS crunch the numbers for all their clients to fully understand the investment.

Is B Corp worth it?

According to Mica, if it’s just the B Corp logo you’re after then you might find the investment of time and money overwhelming.

However, if you are in it for the journey; if you want to grow your purpose-driven business, learn how to measure your triple bottom line and want to be part of a strong movement for change, then it’s a total bargain.

Mica says: “I’ve seen the process give back in many ways, but in particular, it feeds a company’s marketing with valuable content. I often tell clients to draw their B Corp spend from their marketing budget because that’s where they’ll see clear ROI.”

Will we definitely get certified?

No. B Corp is hard to get, which is one of the reasons it’s become so popular. And, in Mica’s opinion, that’s what makes it worthwhile.

The B Corp certification process is rigorous and data-driven, which aligns well with the structured and outcome-oriented nature of D&I and ESG programs and the BOXLESS way of working, ie helping their clients establish, measure, and improve their social and environmental impact initiatives to create strong, lasting cultural change.

In today’s fast-evolving business landscape, companies that lead with their values are the ones that will thrive.

