A buoyant business economy in Brighton

11th October 2019

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Guests at last month’s Cobb Business Lunch Club heard from the club’s co-founder and CEO of EMC, Nik Askaroff, who delivered an economic round-up to the group. 

Discussions focussed around how businesses are doing in this cloudy, and uncertain economy, with many painting a positive picture of how their businesses are performing across a wide variety of sectors. 

More than 80% of the Directors and CEOs around the room had grown their business in terms of staff numbers and nearly 90% had given staff a pay rise over the last year. 

Some challenges were discussed referencing the current property market but overall, the consensus was that business in Brighton is in a positive situation, is resilient against uncertain times and will continue to grow and drive the local economy. 

The lunch was held at Hotel du Vin where members of the lunch club also heard about Spear Brighton – a new programme in Brighton that supports 16 to 24-year-olds from disadvantaged backgrounds not in education, employment or training. 

James Hyde, Centre Manager at Spear Brighton spoke about the coaching thats offered to help individuals overcome barriers, the practical training thats available and the year of support thats given to each candidate to help them find a job and succeed in work. 

Many businesses around the room offered their services to support the charity and collectively, the lunch club raised £170  for the charity. 

For more information about the Cobb Business Lunch Club, including information about becoming a member, please visit www.cobbbusinessclub.com.