A powerhouse: challenging herself to the max

8th March 2023

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Meet Aneela Rose, the inspirational founder and MD of Rose Media Group, an epic Team GB Powerlifter and doting parent.

Aneela Rose is a multi-award-winning PR and Marketing agency owner and World and British Powerlifting Champion who has faced multiple challenges and broken down barriers to succeed, whilst inspiring others along the way within business and in her personal life.

From an early childhood ambition to become a pilot, to setting up a PR company, to achieving a world title in powerlifting, Aneela goes all out to challenge herself to the max.

Sadly, the dream of flying an aeroplane was not to be as her eyesight severely let her down – but, fearless, Aneela pursued a related career, taking up a PR role in a flight simulator company.

She recalls: “It was my first PR job, very technical and within a male dominated environment. My boss was female though and I have a lot to thank her for. I had to learn fast, think fast, talk fast and I loved it!” 

After this, Aneela headed up the PR for an IT Company before taking the plunge and setting up her own business in 2004.

“I launched Aneela Rose PR from my bedroom. I didn’t know what I was doing! I had no idea how to find clients or what to charge them. I loved the unknown though and rather than seeing risks I saw opportunities and an adventure,” she said.

In the last 18 years, the company has reinvented itself three times embracing change and offering new services, and today Rose Media Group is positioned as a specialist B2B PR agency working within niche markets across the UK and abroad. 

Like with so many, Covid did affect the business and Aneela found herself in the most difficult and challenging situation of a smaller team, fewer clients and personal loss. Her confidence and spirit were hugely affected, but with the support of family, business friends and a close-knit team at work, the agency bounced back in true Rosy style! 

In 2022, Aneela won the ‘Inspirational’ Dynamic Business Award for her admirable achievements and a few months later Rose Media won the ‘Creative Industries’ category of the Sussex Business Awards. An incredible comeback and wholly deserved recognition of the hard graft, resilience and sheer positivity that Aneela and her team exude. An inspiration all round.

Although Aneela is at the helm, she recognises that it is her team, clients, associates and family, including her two young children from whom she draws inspiration and motivation. She loves sharing her knowledge and supporting everyone around her in any way possible.

“I’ve entered a new phase of my working life now where I want to nurture talent and the next generation, I have so much experience to pass on,” she shares.

Sport and fitness have always been central to Aneela’s life from an early age. However, growing up in a Muslim household presented challenges when she declared to her parents, she wanted to throw the javelin for Team GB at the Olympics! She was already throwing at County level but gave it up when she went to university and then work pressures took over. Then in 2012 the Olympics came to London which inspired her to take it up again! But shoulder injuries meant she had to stop and she took up strength training instead.

Very quickly it became clear that Aneela was strong, in fact she was described as “freakishly strong” for her slight 5ft 2in frame and she was encouraged to take up powerlifting. True to her fiercely competitive nature, within a year she had been selected for the British team by the Amateur World Powerlifting Congress (AWPC). Aneela has since won two British titles and a World Championship, and holds four British records in her age and weight class. 

“It’s all a bit overwhelming when I think about what has happened these past few years. From extreme lows to absolute highs and everything in between,” she says. “I’ve worked so hard, committing every part of my being to my goals. Training 5 times a week in Eastbourne and Brighton, plus running my agency and being a wife and mum. But when my head is in the game, I’m on a different level and adrenaline becomes my superpower, which I use to my advantage in business and sport.”

As her company celebrates its 18th anniversary, Aneela looks back with pride at her achievements. 

“It’s a really positive time, as we (my team and I) have renewed energy from winning fantastic new business, partnering with a wonderful local charity and we’re also excited to be launching a new business, watch this space! I’m working with incredible PR mentors, so I feel supported and that they have my back. I now have real clarity about what I’m doing,” she says contentedly.

Aneela is proud to be supporting International Women’s Day: “It’s the perfect time to shout ‘We are here, we are doing this!’ A time to recognise the struggles and the wins from people all over the world. If my own story helps to close the gender and race gaps then I feel I am making a positive contribution to encourage more women to do the same.”
