A testament to the power of determination, passion and hard work

8th March 2023

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Milly Stone is the co-founder and Managing Director of Whitespace Creative in Brighton. But Milly’s job doesn’t just end at the office – she’s also a full-time mother to two-year-old twins. As a successful businesswoman and mother, Milly’s journey is nothing short of inspiring.

Milly’s passion for creativity and design started at a young age. She had a flair for art and design, and studied art, graphic design and make-up. After graduating, Milly worked in various creative roles, including graphic design and marketing before launching Whitespace in 2018.

From the start, Milly knew she wanted to create a company that was different. Whitespace’s focus is on creating work that is not only beautiful and functional but that also drives results for clients. Whitespace has slowly but steadily built a team of talented designers, developers and strategists who are all committed to this same mission.

In 2021 Milly became a mother to twins, a boy and a girl. She quickly learned that balancing work and motherhood was no easy task. However, she was determined to make it work. She knew that she wanted to continue to grow Whitespace, but she also wanted to be there for her children.

One of the biggest challenges that Milly faced was learning to manage her time effectively. She had to figure out how to be productive during the limited hours she had at work, while still being present for her family when she was at home. Milly credits the team at Whitespace for being a huge help during this transition. They worked together to streamline processes and improve efficiency so that Milly could maximise her time both at work and at home.

Another challenge that Milly faced was learning to let go of control. As a business owner, it’s easy to want to be involved in every aspect of the business. However, with two young children to care for, Milly knew that she had to trust her team to take on more responsibility. This not only freed up more of her time but also helped to build a more cohesive and collaborative team.

Milly is a firm believer in the importance of work-life balance. She knows that being a successful business owner and a present mother are not mutually exclusive. Milly makes a conscious effort to prioritise her family, even if that means occasionally saying no to new business opportunities. She’s also implemented policies at Whitespace that promote work-life balance, such as flexible working attitude, generous holiday and additional ‘free’ days off. 

Despite the challenges that come with being a full-time mother and a successful business owner, Milly’s positive attitude and determination have helped her to thrive in both areas of her life. She’s found a way to manage the split, and in doing so, she’s become an inspiration to other working mothers.

Milly’s story serves as a reminder that with hard work and dedication, anything is possible. She’s helped build a successful creative agency from the ground up, while also raising two young children. Milly’s passion for design and her commitment to her family have allowed her to achieve a level of success that is truly admirable.

As a female entrepreneur and mother, Milly has faced unique challenges that have only made her stronger. She’s shown that it’s possible to be a successful business owner and a present mother, and that work-life balance is achievable with the right mindset and support system.

Milly’s journey is a testament to the power of determination, passion, and hard work. She’s shown that it’s possible to have it all – a thriving career and a happy family life. 

Milly’s story is an inspiration to working mothers everywhere, and a reminder that anything is possible.
