A VAP Top Table event – sharing stories to build true connections

5th May 2023

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At County Business Clubs, we believe everyone has a story to tell and that by sharing our stories we can build true connections and inspire our piers, writes Sam Thomas.

This ethos and the power of storytelling is what we do at County Business Clubs, from SBT, our business publication, to our podcast, members’ news feed and our events.

What does a VAP Top Table Storytelling Dinner look like?

Well, you get a great group of people together in an amazing environment, you eat, drink, ask some really insightful questions that you wouldn’t normally find at any usual event, using our conversation cards, and ultimately share stories and find something out about someone you wouldn’t know. 

At our April event at the fabulous Old Ship Hotel, there were some funny stories with drunk dogs and family football fun (or not), some deep, insightful and powerful stories, but each one unique and brilliant. 

When you have an idea for something and not quite sure how it’s going to go, but the people involved fully embrace it and make it something really special, it’s a magical moment. 

I truly believe that we really do build such great relationships through the power of storytelling and this event for me highlighted and validated that.

Massive thanks to the amazing VAPs that attended and embraced the event. To Stephen Lawrence for the great photos and to Carol Whitney and the amazing team at The Old Ship Hotel Brighton. If you haven’t visited the cellars there it’s a truly fantastic venue and one I’d been wanting to host an event at for some time. It was the perfect setting for our dinner.

If you would like to enhance your businesses storytelling and unlock your business narrative then why not join us on our Storytelling Retreat with Inside Stories in July. We have very limited spaces available.

To find out more about the event or becoming a VAP and joining County Business Clubs contact sam.thomas@countybusinessclubs.co.uk