Above and Beyond Tech: Overline goes further

14th June 2019

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Overline is a a market leader in unified communications and flexible digital solutions. It has been a managed services provider for more than two decades. Its impressive portfolio brings together the very best in cloud and telecoms services, to name a few, to deliver top grade security and future-proofing for businesses in Sussex and across the globe.

It offers telephony, IT, wireless as well as broadband networks, and consulting services.

The brand is synonymous with success, helping clients achieve more with advanced tools and scaleable solutions. It gives brands the competitive edge while ensuring they are super-efficient and using tech to the very best advantage.

Customers include Westminster Foundation, Roja Parfums, Royal Thai Office of Commercial Affairs, MTS Cleansing, Roscolab with sites in six countries worldwide, and local companies like Rivervale and TSS Facilities among many others.Overline We have been welcoming new clients like VW Heritage and Acorah Software Products Ltd to name a few.

Based in Sussex, Overline works with a broad range of clients. Its online store makes it super-easy for any business to access everything from IT support and site backup to servers and essential computer equipment.

Director Jason Young is the owner of the business. Here, he talks about the company’s recent, bold re-branding and how he plans to move the business forward.

Investment is key to growth. What is Overline doing to invest in its future?

We have invested heavily in our infrastructure. The aim is to go beyond what clients expect from customer services. As well as offering bespoke customer support, our account management team are there to pre-empt the clients’ needs. That is because we like to do things differently.

“Being proactive, rather than reactive, ensures we build meaningful customer relationships.”

Being proactive, rather than reactive, ensures we build meaningful customer relationships. As well as getting to know our customers, we keep them informed about about emerging tech and new products. Our account managers keep in touch with customers on a regular basis, and this service is in addition to our customer services.

Overline doesn’t just want to hear from customers when they experience a problem. We are passionate about developing real relationships that add value to our association with clients.

You have recently put together a new leadership team. Can you tell us about that?

I have the privilege of working alongside Glenn Ballard, the ex-Vice President of Hewlett Packard, in the Leadership Team. Having worked on projects together previously, Glenn introduced Cath while she was based in the USA while working with Collective Licencing International LLC, who represented Airwalk and Clinch Gear.

Our leadership team is in place to drive the business forward and ensure we meet our goals and objectives over the next five years.

Our brand ambassador Paul Rogers, collaborates with the Sales and Account Management Team to build a strong presence in the South.

Part of the team’s work will be to spearhead Overline’s expansion, both nationally and internationally.

As we move into the next growth phase, we are mentoring and developing our next generation of leaders.

Cath Holt is a recent addition to the team. Can you tell us a bit about Cath?

This has been one of the most enjoyable years at Overline which resonates throughout the whole company. In the last year, working with Cath is working at a different level. Cath is responsible for spearheading radical changes at Overline to drive us forward. She has created a professional operating team within Overline, implementing more efficient processes and moving us towards a complete digital solution preparing us for the future. As of June 2019, she assumes the role of Operations Director.

The operations side of Overline has also benefited from investment. Is this connected to changes in the Telecoms sector?

Yes. The telecoms landscape is changing and we are helping our customers adapt. First, we had the introduction of GDPR and now businesses face a new challenge. BT is preparing to shut down its ISDN network from 2020 with a full cutdown schedule to happen in 2025.

The Integrated Service Digital Network has served businesses since the mid 1980s but, in the future, BT will use a single IP network. This means businesses will need to consider voice systems and things like hosting. There are currently around 3 million ISDN users in the UK, so we have expanded our capacity to assist brands as they make the switch.

How are you helping businesses prepare for a single IP network?

We have been proactively supporting customers by providing consultancy services to help them adapt. For example, we explain what the change will mean to their operations. Our telecoms support includes working in an advisory capacity to ensure clients have got the very best telecoms system in place.

I would advise any business not sure about the implications of the ISDN shutdown to contact us for expert advice.

Your re-branding is unique and smart. What can you tell us
about it?

The fresh, new visual identity was launched on May 31 – so it’s still really new to our existing clients. Though we may look a little different, we are pleased to say that Overline remains independent and locally owned as it has for the last 25 years.

“We believe our fresh new look, together with the changes we’ve made to our internal infrastructure, will positively enhance the client experience”.

Why did you change the branding?

We believe our fresh new look, together with the changes we’ve made to our internal infrastructure, will positively enhance the client experience.
Overline’s client ethos revolves around the power of great communication, understanding our client’s needs and the power to deliver on time, every time.

How does your branding represent your vision for Overline’s future?

The new Overline logo represents change, growth, and a brighter tomorrow. The pink further demonstrates our boldness and makes a strong representation of our unique vision for the company.

When you invest in unified communications, it’s more than just a one-time purchase decision, we feel it is like a long-term partnership. You are not just buying a solution for today; you are investing in a solid product and the future proof company that stands behind it.

So, what’s changed?

Over the last 18 months, Overline has developed a client-focused approach to ensure we deliver exceptional customer service throughout every stage of the client journey.

We have built a thriving talented team of engineers, technical consultants, and support staff that we are incredibly proud of. Further investments in current technologies has allowed us to expand our portfolio.

As an established managed services provider, we are seeing the lines between tech and telecommunications converge and, as trusted advisors for thousands of clients worldwide, we understand the importance of delivering a wider range of support services to help our customers get the most out of their interconnectivity.

We have already begun the process of switching out the old with the new…we expect to be fully transitioned in the next few weeks.

What cloud services do you offer?

Cloud computing is in vogue because it reduces costs to businesses by removing the need for large, expensive servers. It also protects data and enables customers to get their services and products to market faster.
We currently offer Microsoft Azure, AWS, storage, backup, continuity services and server services.

And IT and telephony?

We provide an extensive range of products and services in these categories. For example, in IT we provide a service desk, support for Microsoft 365, workplace and on site and refresh services.

In telephony, you can choose from cloud telephony, mobile handsets and tablets, mobile tariffs, telephone systems as well as fraud protection and maintenance services.

Why are businesses using Overline for online security?

It has never been more important to take digital security seriously. Our customers trust us when it comes to security consulting. We can help with everything from antivirus, CCTV, door access systems and essential firewalls.

What advice are clients looking for when they use your consulting services?

Predominantly, they are seeking support with Telecoms, Rapid Programme Assessment (RPA) and, increasingly, project management. Implementing changes needs to be effectively managed to minimise disruption and ensure things work as they should.

Who is your typical customer?

That is a hard question to answer, because we serve customers from a cross-section of industries and sectors. No customer is the same and our services can be tailored to individual needs. If I had to pick out common traits, I would say they are all ambitious and looking to develop strategies that streamline their processes to make them more efficient and secure.

You started your business when Yellow Pages’ adverts still featured J. R. Hartley looking for his Fly Fishing book. Would you turn the clock back?

Only if the directory was fully downloadable and I could read it on my tablet or mobile while working from home or while on the move. It is important to remember that Overline’s portfolio now embraces everything from On Premise to the Cloud, Telecoms to IT as well as the Internet of Things (IoT). We embody what flexible working is all about.

Do you think businesses are afraid of technology?

In all honesty, no. I think what holds many brands back is the fear of change. They think improving their systems will be complicated. The thing to remember is that it is often people, not the tech, that make things complex. As with anything that is evolving, understanding how it works and getting the right support is key.

You have embraced ecommerce. What has that helped you to achieve?

B2B brands have traditionally been slow to adopt ecommerce, but it works for us. We are able to deliver a seamless customer journey while helping clients obtain the right products and services for their needs – importantly when they need them.

I think ecommerce has brought us closer to our customers and opened up a wide range of new and exciting opportunities. Having an online shop that offers services businesses are looking for has put us at the forefront of our industry.

Do you support a charity?

Yes. In fact, we were recently the headline sponsor of the annual Best of British lunch held for Rockinghorse Children’s Charity. We really admire everything this charity does to support children and their families.

The event we sponsored was a fund-raising afternoon with the legendary sportsman Daley Thompson CBE. It took place on May 31, the day we launched our new branding and was staged at The Grand Hotel in Brighton. It was the 11th time the event had been held there.

It was fantastic to see 500 people from the Sussex business community filling the hotel’s Empress Suite. A three-course lunch was followed by a truly entertaining question and answer session with Daley Thompson. Comedian Aaron James hosted the event.
“Daley Thompson is, of course, a Double Olympic Decathlon Champion. He now lives in Brighton so was a fantastic choice of speaker.”

Daley Thompson is, of course, a Double Olympic Decathlon Champion. He now lives in Brighton so was a fantastic choice of speaker. With a fund-raising raffle and auction, the event raised an incredible £38,500 for Rockinghorse.

All the money raised will help the charity support young people with mental health illnesses. It will work with the Sussex Partnership NHS Trust, and the Love Local Jobs Foundation to provide life-changing trips to Snowdonia National Park.

Contact Info

Find out how Overline can support the future success of your business.

Website: overline.com or
Twitter: @OverlineUK
Or connect on LinkedIn


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