Affected by redundancy? Network My Club can help

19th August 2020

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Innovative business networking organisation, Network My Club are offering those that have been made or facing redundancy, free access to attend their weekly online networking events.

If you’ve been made redundant or are facing redundancy, Network My Club are offering you free access to attend their online networking events – an offer open until you have found a new role.

Founder & Managing Director, Bradley Hatchett, said: “One of the principles we live by and encourage at Network My Club by is to never to underestimate anyone.”

The idea that anyone could potentially help you. That they may know one person that could help you or your business.

With that in mind, we want to help those in need of a helping hand right now. It goes without saying upcoming redundancies are inevitable. We know people that have already been affected. We are unfortunately seeing it more regularly.

However, we are seeing businesses and some of our members hiring.

Therefore, we’d like to offer an opportunity for those affected by redundancy. An opportunity for someone you may know looking for a new role.”

Network My Club online meetups bring together dozens of businesses from across the South East and London. To network and to keep their business connected during this time.

To find out more about the offer and to apply, visit: