Alex Ryan and Oli Halliwell join the board of Gaydio Brighton

5th August 2023

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As Brighton readies itself for another glittering Pride, a celebration that reflects both the community’s vibrant diversity and the city’s own sense of local pride, Gaydio, a headline sponsor of the festivities, is proud to announce two board appointments.

Gaydio Brighton, the leading LGBTQ+ radio station and part of the wider Gaydio network, has announced the appointment of Alex Ryan and Oli Halliwell to its board of directors. Their extensive experience and commitment to the LGBTQ+ community will contribute significantly to the station’s development. Alex Ryan will also become chair of the board.

Alex takes on the role with a wealth of expertise in marketing, having run his own agency, Marketing 101, since 2020. He is well-known as a DJ throughout Brighton and served as a Friday-night DJ on Gaydio for several years from 2013. His deep understanding of the community’s needs and his links to local business will allow Gaydio Brighton to increase connections across the city.

Oli Halliwell is a proud Brighton local with a great understanding of the area. In his day-time role, he works for one of the biggest marketing agencies as managing partner.

Gaydio has long been at the forefront of LGBTQ+ representation in media, providing a platform for queer artists, activists, and community leaders. With the addition of Alex and Oliver to its board, the station reinforces its commitment to fostering inclusivity, diversity and progress.

Speaking about the new appointments, Gaydio Brighton’s Director, Ian Wallace, expressed his enthusiasm, stating: “We are thrilled to welcome Alex Ryan and Oliver Halliwell to the board of Gaydio Brighton. Both bring unique skills and perspectives that will undoubtedly strengthen our organisation. As we continue to amplify LGBTQ+ voices, their contributions will be invaluable in shaping our programming, community outreach, and strategic direction.”

Alex and Oliver Halliwell are equally excited about their new roles and the opportunities they present. Both expressed their dedication to furthering the mission of Gaydio Brighton and using their positions to create positive change within the LGBTQ+ community across Brighton & Hove.

The appointments come at an exciting time for Gaydio Brighton – with this October marking five years since the station launched on FM in the city, and with an extension to the licence pending with Ofcom. Gaydio is also in the process of building their new studios in the shared LGBTQ+ resource building, The Ledward Centre on Jubilee Street.

Gaydio Brighton looks forward to the continued growth and success of the station under the guidance of these influential new board members.