Apprenticeship Provider Sees a 63% Increase in Apprenticeship Take-up Over the Past Year

12th May 2016

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Positive Outcomes, a government-funded training and apprenticeships provider, has revealed a 63% increase in apprenticeship placements for 16 to 18-year olds during the period from March 2015 to March 2016.

The company analysed its apprenticeship placement statistics over the last 12 months, revealing a significant increase in placements. Kelly Ball, joint MD of Positive Outcomes, said: “63% reflects the huge surge in apprenticeships we’ve been encountering over the past few months as an organisation and suggests apprenticeships are becoming ever more popular as an educational career path.”

Positive Outcomes recently conducted research which demonstrated there were still some issues with apprenticeship awareness, but also revealed that 77% of apprentices go on to receive an offer of full-time employment.

Kelly concluded: “While there’s still work to be done around apprenticeships, our improving figures are an indicator that young people and employers are beginning to grasp how beneficial apprenticeships are.”

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