Are you ready for 2024?

14th November 2023

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Somehow we blinked and the year is behind us. Particularly when we spent most of the year building up to The Sussex Business Show!

At the end of September (which feels like a lifetime ago now), the Sussex Business Show opened its doors at the Brighton Dome and we had an unforgettable day of connections and learning. The exhibition was a success and planning is already underway for 2024.

We want to thank every one of our attendees for their time making the effort to attend and a special thank you to our keynote speakers and masterclass leaders. Without such attendance and expertise, our event would not have been the show it was. We also need to thank those whose support allows us to run – our exhibitors and sponsors partnering us for the show, particularly our headline sponsor Mayo Wynne Baxter.

2024 approaches with the power of connecting

As we celebrate this year and plan for the next, we know there is a lot to be said for the power of community. We found that connecting with others has such a large impact on our visitors’ experience of the show, and this lends itself to other areas of business too.

Our Directors’ Hub is a small intimate version of the power of connection. Once a month at meetings (limited to just 12 individuals) we discuss and solve specific challenges we face as Directors. We currently have four active groups and are expanding to eight in the new year.

What’s your new year goal?

Each year most of us set a few goals for the new year. This year as a business owner, Sonny, the founder of the Directors’ Hub and the Sussex Business Show, is choosing to keep it simple.

“My goal is to stay flexible – life is unpredictable and you may need to adapt your goals. I want to be open to change and be willing to adjust my resolutions and goals,” he said.

“The goal to stay flexible is also driven by the knowledge that my business is supported by such awesome people in the Directors’ Hub. When we meet each month, I am continuously refining what I’m working towards and how,  as I get challenged to improve and push the boundaries of what I thought was possible.”

As we wave goodbye to 2023, take the time now to gear up for the new year.

2024 is the perfect time to tap into the collective intelligence of the community to find practical solutions and meet those new year’s business resolutions.

If you’re interested in joining the Directors Hub or to find out more about the Sussex Business Show, then please visit the website.