As a small business, why use a commercial broker to raise funds?

11th April 2023

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Andy Page, Commercial Finance Manager of Seico Group, de-mystifies this conundrum by sharing some of his clients’ most ‘Frequently Asked Questions’…

How can we buy our business premises and ensure we are getting the best commercial rate? There are a bewildering array of lenders on the market – Seico has access to them all and has the experience and expertise to find the right deal for the client, whatever their size and operational sector. At Seico, we know which commercial lenders have appetite for their own niche sector and can introduce the client to the right one.

Can we arrange finance to buy another business? Yes, lenders want to lend money to assist trading businesses and lending to a going concern is less risky than to a start up situation. We can place deals of this nature with the right lender who will develop a relationship with the client, not simply view the deal as a transaction.

What about non-property related finance? Seico has the background knowledge to understand the entire commercial and corporate market. We can find the right deal to help the client fund cashflow, purchase assets and to address short-term liquidity issues.

Can we borrow money to develop property? Yes. We know which lenders have appetite for development finance, whether that is building a number of houses from the ground up, funding a commercial build or a straightforward conversion. Funding is available- now- to developers with viable projects.

Can we raise capital against a property portfolio? Yes certainly, and we know who has appetite for portfolio lending and how much can be raised against it. This goes for residential, commercial and mixed-use portfolios.

Will we be able to secure finance for an ‘unusual’ property? It’s not easy to define what makes property unusual, or perhaps even ‘awkward’, but we all know which ones they are. They may not fit the mainstream banks’ criteria but there’s rarely a case that cannot be placed with a specialist or niche lender and Seico know exactly which ones to talk to on your behalf.

If you’d like to discuss funding for your business, get in touch for a chat on: 01273 778888