Ask the expert: 2021 Ready. Set. Go!

22nd December 2020

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It’s December – how are you feeling about it? Are you very much looking forward to seeing the back of this year or has it been better than you thought in light of the challenges and uncertainty?

As we say so long to 2020 – or good riddance! it is time to reflect. Yes, we’ve lived in very different times, but what have we learnt? What have we learnt about our businesses, our teams, and our resilience? It’s good to glance back before you look forward, but it’s important not to dwell. So, now’s the time to start thinking about next year and what you can plan for, rather than what you can’t.

The psychology of brand and really getting to know the people behind the businesses is a big focus for us going into next year, as it is fascinating learning the stories of why a brand is here and who is behind it. We ensure these stories are represented not only on their websites, but through its design and aesthetic. This, we feel, not only differentiates us in our craft, but also cements our client relationships. We have formed collaborative friendships with our clients and have helped them share their story, whilst acting as a sounding board. This has never felt more important than this year.

There have been some fantastic examples of business resilience over the last year – both practically within a business, but more so personally for business leaders. Stepping back whilst we’re still in the midst of a crisis is really hard, but there’s an optimistic feeling that we’re through the worst of it. Perhaps it’s the final rush towards that well deserved break over Christmas or something deeper. The economic fallout of the last year is going to hit many for a long time to come, but there’s a turn in mood to one of forward planning, looking at 2021 with positivity and less ‘fire-fighting’ which we’ve been doing for months.

Take time to reflect on 2020 – what worked, what needs changing in your business and take that focus into 2021. We’ve been resilient, supportive of others and we’ve made it! Don’t count your chickens mind, but do think about the turkey now.

For so many of us, this year has been reactive, as it’s had to be. We have been so busy ‘doing’ that we haven’t had time to reflect or take stock and see how our business has changed and adapted. Take time over the Christmas break, to recharge, refocus and meet 2021 head on.

From the three of us, thank you, for your support over the last year. Listening, sharing, and laughing. It helped us get through some tough times with our own businesses.

Wishing you all an amazing Christmas and we look forward to seeing what each one of you and your businesses achieve in 2021.

Lisa, James, and Emma x