Ask the expert

28th May 2020

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Lisa, James and Emma set up a series of webinars aimed to help businesses discuss their current challenges and what we’re all doing to adapt.

They don’t proclaim to have all the answers but between them they do have 45 years’ experience in marketing, business, design and leadership so they do know it’s important to have a space for business owners to talk.

Their now weekly Three at Three on a Wednesday is bringing business owners together to discuss their challenges under various subtopics of evolution.  Each week has a slightly different focus but they always cover marketing, business growth and leadership with one eye on how businesses need to evolve to stay relevant, ahead of the competition and remain successful.

There’s a real sense of positivity around change now and it’s a great chance to meet some new people, air what’s on your mind and you might even learn something along the way.  Above all, it’s honest. Do join them!

Emma on Business leadership

‘Transparency with employees and including them in problem solving is a great way as a leader to show empathy and inclusion as you develop a culture of openness, trust and loyalty. When managing teams and dealing with any negativity it’s important to get as face-to-face with them as possible. Videocalls are as close as we’ll get to meeting in person so this still has more impact than messaging, or losing meaning in emails. If you’re a small business owner or leader, make the most of your networks for support and advice at the moment.  We can’t network traditionally but those relationships which are forged are deeper and more meaningful at the moment.’

Emma Mills-Sheffield
Mindsetup Ltd
T: 07775 947 818

Lisa on Branding

In the current economic climate we have been forced to make adjustments with no warning, with no time to manage the shift, or change in habits. As Darwin’s theory explained, ‘It’s not the strongest that survive, nor the most intelligent. It’s the one that’s most adaptable.’ Have you adapted? Do you understand what your customers need from you now? Our brands need to respond to their new needs, communicate concisely and consistently, and be mindful of the ever shifting landscape. As nothing is normal it means we don’t need to be normal either!  Don’t be afraid to try something new, the current circumstances mean it’s time to be bold, to disrupt and try new things. 

Lisa Seymour, Managing Director
Made By Spoken
T: 01273 964044

James on Marketing

Everything has to start with a deep understanding of your audience. Who are they? It’s not enough to say our audience is 45 year old females in Sussex. Get under their skin. Then explore their pain points. What are their current problems and how can you help. Note the word help. Not make money, but how can your business truly solve their problems.

Adapting to how we respond to our audiences needs is something that will stand us in a stronger position than just following the herd. We should be doing this anyway, but now is the time to truly listen to what our audience is telling us. Accepting where you are right now is a positive point – things aren’t normal, but once you accept that things have changed you can react and plan to address the new normal.

James Dempster, Managing Director
Cobb Digital
T: 01273 208 913