Ask the Expert: Admiral Security

15th August 2016

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Neil Taylor, Sales and Marketing Director at Admiral Security


What basic security and safety measures does my business need?

Today, many people discuss the risk of cyber security and data loss online, but what are you doing to protect your brick-and-mortar business?

During work hours, how easy is it for someone to just wander off the street and into your offices? Making sure that there are CCTV and Access Control procedures in place allows you to monitor exactly who is coming in and out of the building and when – ensuring your business and its employees are safe.

There are simple ways that your business can ensure it is protected; checking that all locks and windows are secure and if employees leave late, making sure they know the correct procedure to lock the building securely (e.g. how to work the alarm systems).

What is the cost of burglary to the workplace?

Everyone is at the risk of crime especially SME’s, where loss can significantly impact the day-to-day running of the business.

The cost of a burglary to a business is on average £13,570, this cost can include anything from loss of equipment, loss of wages, number of days closed and even emotional distress.

Furthermore, you may be held liable if your employees suffer loss by theft whilst at work, so making sure your business and employees are properly protected with systems to secure your business is essential to avoid suffering severe losses.

What happens if you publicise your companies’ activities online?

During holiday periods such as summer or Christmas, be aware that publicising that your company is closed or less employees are in attendance could draw unwanted attention and put your company at risk to unwelcome individuals. Having intruder alarms and CCTV that can be monitored remotely can act as deterrents as well as give you piece of mind.

Contact Admiral Security today on 01737 855900 or visit for expert advice on how to keep your business and employees safe.

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