Ask the Expert: Cobb PR

12th January 2017

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Here, Cobb PR’s Victoria Archer provides you with the answers you need…

 As a small business, how can I reap the rewards of PR in 2017?

Many people believe that investing in public relations is out of reach for small businesses – the spend will be too great to justify the rewards, so PR is something that only corporate giants can afford to do. But they couldn’t be more wrong. Small businesses have a lot to shout about and can reap the rewards of PR whilst sticking to a budget. Here are my top tips to start a campaign on a shoe string:

  • Identify your target audience

Knowing who your target audience is will ensure you use your time for PR and marketing efficiently. If you’re looking to tap into local businesses, business magazines and networking events will be fruitful. However, if you want to target a specific sector then trade magazines and industry conferences will be more beneficial.

  • Keep it simple

When launching a campaign, it can be tempting to include as much information as possible into one press release. Remember that a journalist is only looking for the facts and figures so ensure the key information is the first thing they read.

  • Join the conversation 

If an industry advancement is going affect your sector, make sure your voice is heard. You don’t need to be controversial but by having a share of voice in local and national news stories, you’ll position your business as one of note that’s got its finger on the pulse.

Victoria is a Senior Account Manager with Cobb PR in Brighton. Contact her on 01273 021988 or for further information and advice.

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