Ask the Expert: Firebrand

12th January 2017

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Here, Brand Strategy Director at Firebrand, Michael Dale provides you with the answers you need…  

How can I use simplification to reach more customers and at the same time improve their experience?

Believe it or not, your customers want less, not more… less clutter, less confusion and less time-wasting.

In a marketplace of increasing complexity and choice, a new smart breed of organisations use simplification to shape their entire customer experience. These brands outperform the market average by 170%.

Raise your visibility by applying focus

Businesses of all sizes struggle to stand out in a sea of competitive noise. They often resort to throwing ever more money into marketing when all they need to do is simplify and focus. How?

  1. Make it clear what you stand for.
  2. Explain why you are different.
  3. Prove why it matters.

A well-defined purpose, strong differentiation and clear positioning will allow you to connect with your prospects effectively and permanently.

Design a better customer experience

By creating customer journey maps, you can analyse, simplify and improve every point of interaction with your brand ensuring you maintain a seamless experience.

Here’s just a few ideas:

  1. – Provide plain language information and clear call-to-actions.
  2. – Communicate quickly with data visualisation or infographics.
  3. – Streamline your website or devise a simpler, more intuitive checkout process.
  4. – Create ‘decision simplicity’ by selectively revealing the choices your customer needs to make.

Simplification requires a concerted effort, but it’s clearly better that you do the hard work than expect your customers to. Make it easy for them to deal with you, and they’ll keep coming back.

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