Ask the Expert: Fugu PR

12th January 2017

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Here, Vicki Hughes, MD at Fugu PR provides you with the answers you need… 

I’m planning an event – what can I do to publicise it?

Here are five essential things to remember for a sell-out event:

  1. Be clear about your audience: Know exactly who you want to attend. Who are they? Where are they based? What do they read? What interests them? What networks are they connected to? Once you have answered these questions, then you can start to reach them.
  1. Stay on message: Make sure you reflect the key messages of the event and ensure all copy and images support this.
  1. Plan ahead: Get started as early as possible. Ideally, you want people putting it in their diaries at least a month earlier. Many local papers and websites have regular listings of events so make sure you send them your event details along with a strong image – media endorsement can be incredibly powerful.
  1. Use social media: Set up an event page on Facebook. It can be quickly shared and provides an inexpensive way to run a short promotion targeting a very specific group of people. And don’t forget Twitter, Instagram and LinkedIn – utilise all the platforms that your audience uses.
  1. Email and direct contact: Nothing really beats the personal touch and many people will be flattered if you can find the time to contact them directly. But do make sure you include where and when your event is somewhere in every email. You’d be surprised how often this crucial detail is missed.

Finally, do keep the event in the minds of those who have already booked by sending short reads and interesting articles that are relevant to the issues you’re addressing.

Tel: 01273 3327514

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