Bare Biology: A wellness business that aims for longevity

8th December 2023

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Bare Biology is 10 years old and growing 60% yearly, without investors and with core values that get stronger by the day.

In the now ultra-competitive world of wellness, where trends often come and go, Bare Biology stands out as a brand grounded in authenticity, transparency, and a steadfast commitment to health. The story behind Bare Biology isn’t just about crafting quality supplements; it’s a tale driven by passion, integrity, and a deep belief in the benefits of pure, potent ingredients.

Bare Biology’s origins can be traced back to a defining moment in the life of Melanie Lawson, the founder and CEO. Frustrated by the lack of clarity and effectiveness in the supplement industry, Lawson set out to redefine the standards. With a marketing background and a keen interest in health, she aimed to establish a brand that embodied her ideals, providing consumers with the best supplements.

The journey began with thorough research into omega-3s, the foundation of Bare Biology’s product line. Lawson was determined to source the purest and most sustainable fish oil available. This commitment led her to Norway, where she established partnerships with manufacturers who shared her dedication to environmental responsibility and quality.

The result was Life & Soul (originally called Lion Heart), the flagship product, a premium omega-3 supplement that quickly gained acclaim for its purity and efficacy. The company’s commitment to using only wild-caught fish and sustainable practices, coupled with third-party testing and complete transparency, set it apart in an industry where shortcuts and compromises are common.

What distinguishes Bare Biology is not just the quality of its products but the passion that underlies every step of the process. Lawson’s personal commitment to health and wellness propels the brand, resonating with consumers seeking products aligned with their values.

As Bare Biology flourished, it expanded its product line to address various health needs. From prenatal supplements for expecting mothers to vegan-friendly options, to marine collagen and high-strength vitamin D, the brand diversified without compromising its core principles. Each product undergoes rigorous testing to ensure it meets high purity and potency standards, reflecting Bare Biology’s dedication to transparency and quality.

The success of Bare Biology in the competitive wellness market can be attributed not only to its exceptional products but also to its refreshing and honest approach to business. Another part of its success is down to its long term relationship with accountants, Plus Accounting, who have been Bare Biology’s accountants for the last 9 years.

Plus Accounting provided invaluable advice in the very early days, from one to one support to working closely with their Finance Director on the annual accounts which run like clockwork, due to the great systems that have been put in place to ensure that the team are confident in the finances and allow them to make decisions about the positioning of the brand.

The brand leverages relationships with Nutritional Therapists and health professionals, a select group of retailers, including Selfridges, Whole Foods and Planet Organic, digital platforms and e-commerce to connect directly with consumers, fostering a community that goes beyond transactions. Through valuable content, social media engagement, and educational initiatives, Bare Biology has cultivated a loyal following.

As the business grows, Bare Biology remains true to its founding principles. The commitment to quality, transparency, and sustainability serves as a guide in an industry often clouded by hype and misinformation. In a consumer landscape increasingly discerning about product choices, Bare Biology offers a range of supplements that meet the needs of an ever more cynical group of consumers.

Looking ahead, Bare Biology has ambitious plans for expansion, both in product offerings and global reach. Profitable from year 1, the brand is organically funded with no investors or debt. Sustainable, healthy growth that allows the founder and employees to have a healthy life/work balance is central to the way the business is run.

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