Bare Cacao – Feel good naturally

8th August 2021

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Developed and manufactured in Worthing West Sussex, Bare Cacao is, quite simply as the name suggests, nothing but 100% organic cacao.

What was once a sacred plant drawn upon for its ritualistic and ceremonial attributes has since become a bi-product of the beloved confectionary bar. Around 80% of the world’s chocolate is predominantly sourced from the West coast of Africa and for many years those farming and working have been severely mistreated; with the final products on the shop shelves made up of mostly sugar, milk powder and vegetable oils, the origins of cacao have been lingering in the background… until now. 

Theobroma cacao, an amazing plant farmed within only 20 degrees north or south of the equator (with the majority coming from only 10 degrees either side), is once again gaining the appreciation it deserves. The word Theobroma derives from Greek “food of the gods” and this fermented bean was both currency and food throughout Mesoamerica for thousands of years prior to the first European settlers arriving. It was here that it was first discovered and served as a bitter drink, made with water, and selected spices and herbs.

Today, something that is used in ceremonies across the globe, there is evidence of cacao consumed in ceremonial bowls over five thousand years ago deep in the Amazonian jungles. It is considered that ancient tribes believed cacao to have many health benefits, especially for the heart and connection to mother earth. Historic artifacts depict cacao as a central part of both wedding and religious ceremonies across the whole region. Sadly what followed the initial meeting between the Spanish conquistador, Cortez and the Aztec king Moctezuma in the Aztec capital of Tenochtitlan, (Now Mexico city) in 1519, was mass genocide and death of over twenty million people with most of the culture and history erased.

Today, this is a history being honoured in the way that it deserves. Developed and manufactured in Worthing West Sussex, Bare Cacao is, quite simply as the name suggests, nothing but 100% organic cacao. Roasted ground and packed in a beautifully designed black and gold pack, with all beans coming from ethical sources in Peru. The innovation is in the fact its ground and prepared in much the same way as a premium grade coffee and served in a French press (cafetiere). Honouring its origins, the core principle in the beverage is derived from the way in which this drink would have been consumed for thousands of years.

Its founder Aaron Newland created the brand to provide an enjoyable alternative to coffee as an after-midday drink. Or, for those looking to cut caffeine out completely for health reasons, with only a trace of caffeine in the drink (less than in decaf coffee). Improved sleep, naturally occurring minerals and antioxidants, plus a reduction in anxiety are some of the many benefits. But, above all else many of the companies’ regular customers just enjoy the drink because of the rich, yet refreshing taste.

Aaron has recently undergone a pack change and feels confident to now approach bigger buyers in both the UK and around the world. The majority of sales are currently online via their website, but now have a growing retail presence in health food and farm shops, with stockists like Infinity foods in Brighton and Rushfields farm shop in Henfield.

“In the wake of the current pandemic anxiety and stress is worse than ever before, many people are working around the clock, and struggling with the challenges of constant changes in both family and work life demands  with little time for themselves. In short, we are working longer and harder than ever before. Many of us are reaching for caffeine-based drinks late in the day. By simply taking a few minutes back each day to stop and breathe, reset your central nervous system and build a healthy ritual into your day, with a cup of Bare Cacao, the knock-on effect on other areas of your life will be paramount.” Aaron Newland Bare Cacao

Readers can use the code freetravel at checkout to save on the P&P for first orders, to try it out for themselves.