Benefits of networking at a business show

13th February 2023

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Mike Monk explains there is a lot to gain in just a few hours – and with no rigid structure to your visit.

There are some great advantages to building connections at a business show.

The first, and most obvious, is that shows are usually free to attend – including the up-coming Brighton and Hove Business Show. So, you have got absolutely nothing to lose and everything to gain by pre-registering for a ticket.

Once there, you are not obliged to follow any particular timetable – or stay all day. That’s what sets annual networking exhibitions apart from weekly or monthly events. You can come and go as you please, with no obligations.

While there are seminars and organised networking sessions, you can dip in and out. Being able to pick and choose gives you total freedom to get the most out of the day.

And, of course, you can visit show stands that are relevant to your sector or interests and really hone in on who you connect with. If you are looking to reduce costs or find a supplier of a new service, this type of set up can be particularly beneficial. 

A business show is always useful to those who provide or require products and/or services from other businesses. Building connections – and trust – often starts with a brief conversations and the exchange of business cards.

As well as making new connections, there is guaranteed to be something new to learn at a business show. Educational seminars play an important role. They offer sound advice as well as tons of inspiration.

If you are looking for motivation or new ideas, you won’t be disappointed.

Because of their relaxed nature, business shows appeal to a wide range of people and brands. Some, like Brighton and Hove Business Show, even offer free parking, making this type of networking really hassle-free. 

You can be as visible or discreet as you like when touring an event, too. So, if you dread traditional networking events, this promises to be a totally refreshing change. 

Want to build connections in Brighton?

Join me at the Brighton and Hove Business Show. It is being staged at The Amex Stadium on June 8. Doors will be open from 10am to 3pm.

The event has expanded this year to two exhibition lounges. Our exhibitor list can be viewed here. (

Our seminar timetable is packed with people and topics that promise to add real value to your day. We have been truly blessed to attract leaders in their field, covering everything from social media to diversity in the work force. View the timetable here. (

Lastly, and most importantly, pre-register for a ticket. It’s quick and easy, and will save you time on the day. We will have your lanyard and show information waiting for you on reception. Pre-register here. (

*Mike Monk is a sales and marketing professional with a stellar record of success spanning more than three decades. He is also a business mentor and a long-standing organiser of B2B business events. 


