Best Of British Members Club event

8th August 2021

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July’s Best of British Members club event saw us return to the amazing Malmaison for a lunchtime  event. It was great to once again meet some new members and continue to build some great relationships. This months guest speaker was Anne Usher MBE and it was amazing to hear her story. 

Anne Usher was a physiotherapist and competitive cyclist until a back injury left her unable to heal herself or to ride anymore. She felt an inward spiral of failure both professionally and in her sport. Volunteering for the London Olympics in 2012 was “one of the best tonics” and led to a chance meeting with the British Paralympic canoeing coach. Despite never having been in a boat before due to suffering from chronic seasickness, she was challenged to aim for the kayaking squad. As a working mum in her late 40s, Anne didn’t fit the conventional mould of an elite athlete. But she had a “crazy dream” of learning a new sport and becoming good enough to represent her country at the Rio Paralympic Games.

Remarkably she is now two time World champion and three times European champion. Her journey was not at all straightforward but she did manage to reach her audacious goal! Not only did she qualify for the 2016 Rio Paralympics she won the 100th gold medal of the games!  “When you’re in a really dark place, sometimes you can’t see a way out. But it’s often because you are looking in the wrong place.”

One of the many benefits of the members club is the calibre of great speakers at each event. Truly inspirational and insightful talks in an intimate setting. Looking forward to the first breakfast event in September. 

Limited to just 50 Members and exclusively for CEO’s, Directors, Senior Partners and Business Owners, The Best of British Members Club remains sold out for 2021. To register your interest in 2022 Membership please email and the team will be in touch.