Big Business Breakfast Club – supporting the Starr Trust in July

10th July 2023

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The next BBBC event is at Malmaison and will be sponsored by Rubix VT.

After yet another hugely successful event, join us on Friday, July 21st at Malmaison, from 8am. 

Our special guest speaker for July is Rob Starr, alongside Alex Ryan from Marketing 101 with his marketing hints and tips. We give you plenty of time to meet other like-minded business people in the room.

As ever, our guest sponsor, which this month is Rubix VT, gets to choose the month’s charity, and for July that will be the Starr Trust.

Please show your support and make a generous donation when you purchase your ticket, which they’ll get directly. 

Our sponsor – Rubix VT

This month’s sponsor is the Brighton-based telecoms company, Rubix VT.

Rubix VT’s mission is to keep things simple. Their view is that telecoms don’t need to be complex.

They can recommend the best internet connection and a flexible phone system that genuinely helps your business.

No jargon. No industry-speak. Just phones that work for your business. At the right price.

Whether you work at home or in the office, whether you make calls using a desk phone, mobile or laptop, they will get you connected.  

Sponsor’s nominated charity – Starr Trust

The trust’s mission is: To Remove Roadblocks for Young People to help them succeed and thrive in whatever they put their minds to.

To give young people a helping hand to achieve their goals at a time when they need it most encourages independent thinking, a social conscience and self-belief. This can change the trajectory of a young person’s life.

Our special guest speaker – Rob Starr

Rob Starr founded SEICO Group 32 years ago and has offices in the UK and South Africa. He started the children’s charity Starr Trust 15 years ago which has helped remove roadblocks for over 5,000 young people, has completed a number of extreme endurance events including an English Channel swim and an Ironman and is an author of two books, two musicals and four plays. Rob simply gets on with life and loves a challenge.

We look forward to seeing you all on the 21st July. Tickets will sell out so book in advance.

Book here now:

If you are interested in learning more about becoming a sponsor of the BBBC, please get in touch with the team at