Blanch House Business Club 

25th July 2019

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New to this month’s Networking and events section is the fantastic Blanch House Business Club. This  boutique hotel in Kemp Town boasts a fantastic private dining area and on a bi-monthly basis hosts its own business club. 

Blanch House Business Club 

Hosted by owners Jeremey and Kerry, this intimate networking event is one not to be missed. With a quite exclusive guest list and a very carefully thought out seating plan by Jeremey, I always meet someone new and interesting. 

Being fairly well networked,  I am a strong believer that networking is all about building relationships, and at Blanch House Business Club you are given the opportunity to really get to meet everyone in the room, in a really relaxed atmosphere, whilst building strong foundations with the people you sit with. 

The evening starts with a few glasses of bubbles and canapes in the bar prior to adjourning to the dinning area for dinner. The three-course meal is served with some fantastic wine supplied by Chris Orr at Brighton Wine Co. followed by a guest speaker. This month we heard from Maria Valentine, Managing Director of Yellow Fish. She spoke of her fantastic business journey to date – a truly engaging talk by an inspiring individual. 

I cannot speak highly enough of this event and the team at Blanch House. The food and service is always first class, the wine is flowing creating a very relaxed atmosphere and always a great guest speaker. Jeremy’s attention to every detail makes for a fantastic event that any business owner would certainly benefit from attending.

The private dinning area provides an amazing space for an intimate event such as this, a seminar, wine tasting or a variety of events and can be hired by the local business community for a private functions. I highly recommend this fantastic venue and for more details please email 



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