Bodywaves Mind Body Soul

10th April 2021

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Christie is a Sports Therapist, Yoga teacher with a secret weapon. She has thrown out much of the conventional style of physical therapy over the years and now concentrates on treating with Muscle Activation using the Be Activated Method. This works primary on all complex injuries, pain and dysfunction in the body because, well we are complex systems.

The body needs two things to survive; to move, and to breathe. And if either one isn’t working efficiently, the body will find a way to cheat to continue. How well do you breathe? Honestly, can you take long, slow steady breaths, deep into the belly? Do you ever allow your belly to fill up (round like a little buddha belly?!) or do you hold it in and breathe into the ribs and the chest? Most of us don’t breathe deeply, or even if we do on occasion, we could do more. Babies and animals breathe into their bellies at rest, and therefore we should be able to. But as adults we tend to feel the effects of stress. Whether it’s emotional, physical or mental stresses, our body responds. It also holds on to trauma and injuries, which Be Activated is great at figuring out. What we are interested in is your story. Your body’s story, and figuring out why your body may be over compensating for the breath, or movement and causing muscles to fatigue or end up in pain or injured because they are working incorrectly.

It is all linked to our responses to stress. And this is why this technique can be used on literally anyone. Young, old, active, sedentary. Before a big business meeting, or before any sporting performance, be in a friendly game of golf, or a competitive game of basketball! It works on bringing the body to it’s most efficient state and allowing it to perform at it’s highest efficacy. Working by exploding with power, instead of imploding under stress.

Wouldn’t it be nice to feel powerful. Feel that power coming from your body! The very vehicle you have at your disposal 24/7. Be Activated teaches simple techniques which you can take into your every day routine to help calm the mind, and body. Reconnect to these, and the powerhouse at your very centre. And bring yourself out of the fight, flight or freeze response stress puts us into.

If you have pain, injuries, unresolved trauma you feel your body is holding or just feel your breath needs working on, Be Activated is for you. Christie also teaches Yoga and meditation, all her favourite tools for helping train the body, calm the mind and connect to the soul.

Christie works in Offington Osteopath Clinic on Offington Lane, Worthing. She can be contacted directly and by her own website – for appointments (even during lockdown), Yoga classes (zoom, outdoors and in person when we can return) and 1:1 and corporate wellness sessions. Incorporating Be Activated bringing it to your group, or individual, yoga, meditation and breathwork.

Find her on Instagram and Facebook – Bodywaves Mind Body Soul, and join her newsletter via the website.