Bolney Wine Estate review

15th November 2020

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This month has seen widespread change in the hospitality industry, with many companies forced to adapt their business models to suit up to date lockdown measures and social distancing rules.

One such company is the Bolney Wine Estate, although we were extremely lucky to have been invited during the “in between” period in October. We were able to attend in person and it almost felt, dare I say, normal. We opted for the Ultimate Food and Wine Tasting with Tour and it was a most decadent, luxurious affair.

Given the huge acres of vineyards it was easy to maintain a distance and enjoy a leisurely stroll where we were almost able to forget the constant reminders of the rules. It was an exquisite afternoon packed with mouth-watering deliciousness, and an impressive presentation of historical facts regarding the vineyard and general wine production at large. The Estate itself, started in 1972, demonstrates respect and understanding of the roots and growth of the vines, and the knowledgeable staff obviously care for and offer the best possible conditions for the most fruitful vines. In consequence, they are able to offer the most delicious array of local wines I have ever tasted.

The Tour itself was truly informative, and a fantastic opportunity to learn the background of the vineyard itself, its growth and commitment as a business, and indeed just how reliant the wine industry is on our own unstable weather conditions. For that alone, the vineyard is a shining example of how to learn to adapt your business when events outside of your control change, in this case, as often as the weather. The resilience demonstrated in bad weather years is breathtaking and we would all do well to consider the abilities of the wine industry itself as examples of how to re-think and strategize when things don’t go our way. The opportunity to walk in and around the picturesque vines, and to venture inside the cutting-edge winery provides opportunity for some great networking opportunities in a refined, elegant environment.

Following the tour, and for us the major highlight, was the tutored tasting of the wine itself. Each of the five wines we tasted were complemented by a generous sample of local cheeses.

The wines and pairs were:

• Pinot Noir 2018, matched with Sussex Brie.

• Pinot Gris 2018 with Sussex Cheddar.

• Lychgate Red 2018 matched with Bulcan Blue Cheese.  A most excellent pairing and probably my personal favourite.

• Blanc De Blancs 2016 matched with smoked trout.

• Eighteen Acre Rose (sparkling) mixed with Sister Sarah Goats Cheese

• Bolney Estate Gin.

Genuinely delightful, each of the tastings were generous and selected knowledgeably, creating a true symphony of tastes which made us determined to purchase many pairings to replicate at home. The corporate businesses using this as a networking opportunity would do well to warn their clients to keep some pocket money aside for the likely spending needed in the shop afterwards!

Finally the two course lunch was divine and not too heavy after such a liquid effort. A delicious mezze board and the chance to buy a glass or two of the wine of your choice, amounted to a fine afternoon indeed. The staff were friendly and polite and maintained a relaxed atmosphere, allowing us to order from our table bottles (or indeed crates) to take away with us.

We visited the shop after which may have been a financial error. I am not sure if it was the lazy liquid lunch or the dazzling array of delicious treats but we managed to stock up on some incredible Christmas gifts and indulge in even more personal shopping which will see us through lockdown 2 and Christmas combined.

In true Bolney Estate style, the owners have adapted their wine tours to now include Virtual Tours which are a must for any company looking for safe alternative Christmas events. You will certainly not be disappointed with the product range. The wine, any additional products you order and the tasting pack will be sent to you in advance. You can then log in to a virtual wine and product tasting with your household and get to take part in an online virtual tasting event to rival any office Christmas party.

I would also personally recommend the hampers which are truly the most indulgent, decadent hampers I have ever seen. Tailored for specific recipients, such as Gin Lovers or Charcuterie Hampers, there are also some Christmas hampers which would be fantastic as a corporate gift in lieu of an office party, or just to graze on as a final goodbye to 2020 for you and your family.

The tour was thoroughly magical and I wish the Bolney Estate all the best in having them up and running again soon. In the meantime though, this company is truly a yardstick for Sussex businesses in how to adapt to maintain steady spending, seemingly without any compromise on quality. I would thoroughly recommend making the Bolney Wine Estate tour or products part of your 2020 Christmas plans.

Pioneers of English wine. Located in the heart of rural Sussex, Bolney Wine Estate is one of the oldest and most beautiful vineyards in England. Visit