Brand identity

13th September 2021

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Great design underpins everything we do at Whitespace. We believe It should communicate your message in a clear, concise manner, simplifying the most complicated content whether it’s online or offline. In this article we focus on the importance of branding and our approach to the design process.

A strong identity is essential to any business.  Whether you are a start up looking to establish yourself, a smaller business or an established business, looking for a re-brand, creating a logo identity and a strong brand are both crucial.

We work across all aspects of brand identity, from the creation of new brands to revamping existing identities.

It is easy to assume ‘logo design’ and ‘branding’ are the same thing. Although they are closely related and must work together cohesively, they are very different processes’. Much more than simply a logo, your brand requires an identity that is unique and thoroughly considered. 

A brand is the image people have in mind when thinking about your company. It forms the foundation and overall ‘voice’ of your company and should reflect your ethos, personality and aspirations.

The logo is a visual shortcut to your brand. It should be recognisable at a glance and strong enough to stand alone or out of context when necessary.

It should be adaptable and no longer 

has to be a one-size-fits-all solution. New technology and media mean it can move, scale and engage with a device like never before. 

With this in mind we will create a ‘logo pack’ to ensure there is a suitable version that can make best use of the available space or environment.

From the development of your logo to a carefully crafted brand identity system and style guides, we will work with you to establish a brief and to create a brand that will endure for years to come.

“We couldn’t be happier with how things worked out. When you first set out to create a brand all the different ideas and opinions can be quite overwhelming”.

We have a down-to-earth approach and believe in close collaboration with our clients during the design process rather than working in isolation ready for a grand reveal. 

We believe this approach delivers the best possible results. At the end of the day the design we present at the end of the process will be the design you have been a part of creating. 

The route to finding the perfect idea isn’t always simple but through experience and good communication throughout we’ve learned how to recognise when we’re on the right path.

To achieve this result we will establish the brief and arrange a meeting to kick off the process. Nobody knows your project better than you so its best we do the listening at this stage and learn. 

We will ask a series of questions to assess your needs, likes and aspirations. Once you’ve told us everything, we’ll confirm the brief and ensure we have a full understanding of your objectives before we put pen to paper. From here we will start sketching, brainstorming and mind mapping to generate ideas and set out the visual direction. 

We love this part of the process and believe the creative journey reflects in the quality of the end result. 

Having that Eureka moment and identifying the right concept is the most satisfying part of the process and forms the cornerstone of any project. Once we have this identified we will define and refine things ready to take to completion.

With good design a great user experience follows, providing reassurance and confidence in the quality of the end product. No matter what we are designing for you – be it a brand, website or marketing collateral – we approach each project with the same care and attention.

If you have a project coming up and think we could help please drop us a line.

James Morrison – Creative Director