Bridging Brighton: How April Baker and Anne Ackord are leading the community with compassion and connection

7th March 2024

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In the vibrant heart of Brighton, two remarkable women, April Baker and Anne Ackord, are forging paths of unity and joy, proving that leadership and community spirit can indeed go together.

As we celebrate International Women’s Day, their story of innovation, collaboration and compassion serves as a beacon of hope and inspiration for communities far and wide.

April Baker, CEO of Together Co, a charity dedicated to combatting loneliness and social isolation in Brighton and Hove, has been at the forefront of creating meaningful connections within the community.

With a mission that resonates more deeply in today’s fast-paced world, Together Co focuses on befriending, social prescribing and volunteering services, striving to ensure that no one in the city feels alone.

On the other side of this dynamic partnership stands Anne Ackord, CEO of Brighton Pier Group plc, owners of Brighton Palace Pier, an iconic landmark that draws millions of visitors each year.

Under her guidance, the pier has not only been a source of entertainment but has also become a crucial community space, hosting events and initiatives that foster togetherness and belonging.

The strength of their collaboration shone through at the Pier2Peer event during Loneliness Awareness Week in June 2023, a campaign that celebrated the pier as a place of connection.

Symbolising their shared vision, the event attracted more than 150 guests and garnered attention from The New York Times, BBC Southeast, BBC Radio Sussex, BBC Radio London, and other regional news outlets. The international interest underscored the global relevance of their local efforts, highlighting the power of community spaces in combating loneliness.

It even caught the attention of Swiss News Channel SRF, who filmed a six-minute piece on loneliness with Together Co and Brighton Palace Pier, which was broadcast nationally in Switzerland, and online globally, over Christmas last year.

Both Together Co and Brighton Palace Pier embody the essence of their leaders: innovative, community-focused and deeply committed to social wellbeing. April Baker and Anne Ackord’s leadership showcases how charities, and the business sector can collaborate effectively, achieving remarkable outcomes that resonate both locally and internationally.

April Baker reflects on their collaboration: “Working together with Brighton Palace Pier has allowed us to reach new heights in our fight against loneliness.

“Anne’s visionary leadership and the pier’s iconic status have opened new avenues for community engagement and support.”

Anne Ackord shares a similar sentiment: “Our partnership with Together Co exemplifies the pier’s commitment to the Brighton community.

“April’s passion and the charity’s impactful work inspire us to use our space for more than entertainment; it’s about creating lasting connections and fostering a sense of belonging for everyone.”

Their initiatives have not only addressed the critical issue of loneliness but have also sparked conversations about the necessity for innovative community solutions.

By leveraging the pier’s appeal and Together Co’s network, April and Anne have laid a foundation for a more connected and supportive Brighton. The impact of their work extends beyond the events they have hosted; it is about setting a precedent for how businesses and charities can unite for the greater good.

The success stories from their collaborations, featured in outlets like PIERS magazine, serve as a blueprint for other communities striving to tackle similar challenges.

As Brighton continues to navigate the complexities of modern life, the leadership of April Baker and Anne Ackord offers a powerful reminder of the importance of community, collaboration, and compassion.

As we look to the future, the partnership between Together Co and Brighton Palace Pier continues to inspire, demonstrating the incredible potential where charity meets commerce, led by women who are as determined as they are compassionate.

It is a collaboration that not only brings Brighton together, but also sets a benchmark for cities worldwide to follow, proving that together we are stronger.

Excitement is already building for the next event, especially with the announcement that Mr Motivator, the renowned fitness instructor and motivational speaker known for his energetic television workouts and positive messages, will be joining them.

His involvement promises to add a dynamic and uplifting element to their efforts, encouraging even more people to come together for health, happiness, and community.

For those who are inspired by the work of April and Anne and wish to become a part of this transformative project, you are encouraged to reach out.

By connecting with April Baker at, you can find out more about participating in or supporting their upcoming initiatives.