Brighton and Hove Business Show to go on tour in 2024

17th October 2023

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Mike Monk reveals two new shows and a new website.

With a brand new website, new partnerships and additional shows, Brighton and Hove Business Show has really got something to shout about.

Gearing up to stage its third annual event at the AMEX Stadium in June next year, the show is now firmly established on networking calendars.

And, to add that ‘something extra’, it’s going on tour next year!

During the summer months, organiser Mike Monk has been busy beefing up the show’s online presence and firming up details for additional events in Gatwick and Tunbridge Wells.

He said: “Bookings are already coming in for Brighton and Hove Business Show. I would urge anyone thinking of booking a stand for June 13 in 2024 to do so sooner rather than later.

“The floor plan is on the same page at the exhibitors’ list on the website, so it’s easy to see at a glance what stands are already booked and to whom.

“The work on the website is now complete. It offers a fully automated service, meaning exhibitors get faster promotion.”

Gatwick Business Show

Mike is staging the show in partnership with Gatwick Diamond Business.

It is taking place at the Felbridge Hotel and Spa on October 17 in 2024. The event will run from 10am to 3pm and stand bookings are now open.

Full information about the event and the venue can be found on the Brighton and Hove Business Show website.

“I’m delighted to be partnering with Gatwick Diamond Business for this event,” said Mike. “It will be the perfect launchpad for those businesses wishing to ‘up’ their networking and referrals in the Gatwick area.”

Tunbridge Wells Business Show

This event is being run, in partnership with Mike, by Nick Bryant, who is founder and Managing Director of Brilliant Businesses.

The show will be staged at Salomon’s Estate on November 7 next year, and stand bookings are already coming in.

For further information about any or all of the events, visit or contact Mike on 07885