Brighton property market to benefit from lockdown fever

18th August 2020

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The lockdown has got even more people dreaming of living by the sea according to the UK’s biggest property website – and that’s good news for the market in Brighton & Hove.

Rightmove has reported a spike in enquiries about seaside property, both from buyers looking for a second home and from those wanting to move full time to the coast to live and work.

Rightmove’s Property Expert, Miles Shipside believes that being in lockdown has given many home-hunters time to reassess what they want from their next move.

He said: “Having the chance to look out your window to a sea view is something many home-hunters tell us is a dream of theirs. This means that the properties that do offer this are able to charge a premium compared to those in-land.

“Lockdown has changed what a number of home-hunters are now looking for from their next home, and while some are looking for more space or a bigger garden, others are now contemplating a move to the seaside.”

It’s perhaps unsurprising that coastal living is increasing in popularity as it has been shown to significantly improve mental wellbeing. Sea air helps improve sleep, being by the sea is also associated with feeling relaxed, calm and rested, seaside residents

are more likely to exercise and, according to reports, living by the sea is even more calming than living near green spaces.

The good news for anyone planning to make Brighton & Hove their new home city is that exciting new work-and-live projects are already in the pipeline.

Edward Street Quarter, for instance, is a new community in the east of the city which aims to become known as the centre for creative and commercial innovation in Brighton.

It will provide office, retail and residential space all on one site – meaning that people can work, live and play in the same environment. It even includes a spectacular roof terrace with sea views for those who work there.

Steve Eccles of developers First Base said: “It’s no surprise to see that moving to the seaside is becoming more popular when you consider we have all been cooped up for so long. The lockdown has made people realise how important outdoor space is to their lives and they are looking to get away from crowded inner-city areas.

“From that point of view, Brighton couldn’t be more perfect. Not only does it have the sea and a vibrant cultural scene, but it is also a growing area for business development. That’s why we decided to build Edward Street Quarter here and to embrace the idea of living, working and socialising in the same community. For anyone looking to get away from London or wanting to upgrade their offices on the south coast, it’s an exciting project.”

Estate Agents in Brighton & Hove are also noticing an increase in interest following the pandemic.

James Epps, Director of Oakley Property in Brighton commented: “Since the government announced that Estate Agencies were allowed to return to work, we have seen a significant increase in enquiries week on week, particularly from people in London and surrounding counties looking to move out from the city for a better quality of life.

“Many people now realise that they can work effectively from home which is encouraging them to live outside of the capital. If the stamp duty holiday is introduced, I can only see demand for property in Brighton & Hove increasing as people considering buying will want to take advantage of the time limited tax saving!”

Emma Ormiston, Partner at SHW added: “Covid-19 has been a major disruption to both work and life in general, but there seems to be a consensus that it has aided further thought into work/life balance. It was a common theme to see those that were able to relocate outside central London to lockdown with family members that had access to more outdoor space.

“Brighton was no exception to this, and with people focussing on wellbeing and a better home environment it is not surprising that interest in homes in Sussex has increased. Working from home appears to have been a great success and it is likely that most companies will continue with this at least in part.

“However, it is important that teams can get together to collaborate and for some, working from home is impractical. So, we shouldn’t be waving goodbye to our office buildings just yet.  With more and more people looking to relocate to the seaside, we envisage more businesses choosing Brighton as an office location, where they can access a large pool of talent and staff will be happy to be able to live and work by the sea.“

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