Building long-lasting relationships in one-to-one corporate banking

5th August 2023

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We meet Rachel Gerg, Corporate Banking Manager at local relationship bank Handelsbanken’s East Sussex branch.

Rachel has possessed a keen interest in finance from a very young age. When she wasn’t learning personal finance tips from her father on how to save, she was fascinated by her uncle’s profession as an accountant. Their many conversations spawned Rachel’s intrigue in this career path. However, in the end, it was banking that reeled her in. The Sussex Business Times asked her to share more…

How did your career start and progress?

Whilst studying Economics at university, over the summer months I undertook a placement at a high street bank, working in leveraged finance which sees different groups come together to provide syndicated loans.

Following a successful summer placement, I was offered the opportunity to join the bank’s graduate program subject to achieving my degree. Excited by the prospect of working within the underwriting team, I left home in Liverpool and made my big move to London in 2004. Whilst in my first role I was incredibly keen to learn more, develop my skillset and really understand the impact our decisions as an underwriting team would have on our customers. I would ask plenty of questions and given my interest in customer impact, senior colleagues encouraged me to consider entering the relationship management side of banking.

So when an opportunity within the bank came up to become the Business Relationship Manager for Sussex, based in Chichester, I just thought ‘What an opportunity!’, grabbed it with both hands and moved down to the South Coast at just two days’ notice.

At the time, I’d just been offered another job in London but just something didn’t feel right. I wanted to work directly with customers and that’s what enticed me about my move to Chichester. In my new role, I looked after a portfolio of clients and ended up in the Specialist Property Lending team covering Surrey, Sussex and Kent.

Why did you end up making the move to Handelsbanken?

I was aware of the bank’s stellar reputation for customer service, strong culture and appetite for long-term relationships. So when the bank were recruiting in Eastbourne, eight years ago, I pursued it.

After some time working in Eastbourne I ended up moving to Brighton thanks to the fantastic support of the bank. When my beautiful little boy was born three months prematurely, the bank could not have done more for me as an employer. Testament to our wonderful culture.

After some time had passed following the birth, I decided to come back to work earlier than I had originally planned and expressed an interest in moving to Brighton. Handelsbanken were amazing and supported me as a mother. I’m delighted with the opportunity Handelsbanken has offered me to develop my career whilst having a family.

How does the bank help corporate customers?

We offer a dedicated account manager service. Our decentralised approach means that our branches are empowered to make the majority of credit decisions. Our corporate banking customers speak directly to a decision maker. Enabling us to deliver an efficient, reliable and personal service to support their financial goals.

We know and understand the local community and market. I’m regularly out at networking events, meeting solicitors, accountants and business owners – and building relationships. We don’t just serve the community, but we are part of it.

Handelsbanken is a little different. Can you tell us more about it?

At Handelsbanken you can expect a private banking experience for your personal finances, and as a corporate customer you benefit from specialist services backed by an expert team.

We make decisions to meet customer needs, not sales targets. The handbook of our culture states: “Our advice must always be what is best for the customer, not what is most profitable for the Bank at the time.”

We are passionate about delivering a truly personal banking experience built on long-term relationships, so from day one of the relationship we get to know each and every customer’s situation, their aspirations and what they need to reach their goals.

The bank also, and importantly, has an AA credit rating from Fitch and is recognised as the safest commercial bank in Europe. Handelsbanken is also very focussed on the environment and this culture is reflected at branch level here in East Sussex.

What do you do when you are not working?

I run around after my little one quite a lot!

My family are from Liverpool so I spend a lot of time travelling up and down to see them.

Other than that, I enjoy going to see shows at the theatre and dining out in restaurants.

What have been your career highlights so far?

I would say getting my first job and also moving into my Corporate Banking Manager role here at Handelsbanken.

Do you have some tips for anyone interested in a career in banking?

Banks are made up of lots of different departments. You don’t have to be a numbers guru to work for one. For example, they have marketing and other teams.

Network and make sure you have a strong LinkedIn portfolio. Push yourself.

Take that extra step and don’t be afraid to fail.

Has anyone inspired you?

Definitely my uncle and my dad. My dad came from India with just £5 in his pocket. He is a doctor. He taught me a lot about personal finance and is so proud that his daughter works in a bank. I’m very fortunate to have him as a source of inspiration in my life.

Rachel Gerg

Corporate Banking Manager

01323 432 030