Bumper Year for Heritage Awards

6th July 2017

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26 Sussex Heritage Trust Award winners announced at Pangdean Old Barn, Pyecombe on Thursday 6th July

A record number of Awards were presented at the 2017 Sussex Heritage Trust Awards by the President of the Trust, The Rt Hon Lord Egremont DL. There were 26 Awards and 16 Highly Commended projects announced this year, recognising many fine examples of conservation, preservation and rejuvenation projects across the two counties of East and West Sussex and the city of Brighton & Hove.

Over the past 19 years Sussex Heritage Trust has presented over 350 Awards and the Awards scheme is now established as the most prestigious architectural and conservation awards programme in Sussex.

2017 winners included, the Hound Lodge in Goodwood, Chichester (Ptolemy Dean Architects), the i360 in Brighton (Marks Barfield Architects) and the Depot Cinema in Lewes (Burrell Foley Fischer LLP), the former Harvey’s Brewery depot site, which now houses a 3-screen independent cinema with community and film education facilities.

Other winners included the Community Playcentre @ Walberton (The Martin Sewell Building Company), creating a purpose-designed, sustainable community building and Trinity Medical Centre and Pharmacy, which saw the conversion of a redundant Grade II listed Church into a medical centre.

Chairman, Dr John Godfrey DL, who announced the Awards at the 19th annual lunch, said, “While some projects have been highly visible and well-known, others might have attracted less attention without the establishment of the Awards scheme, which the Trust now runs every year. We are delighted with the response to this year’s Awards scheme, reflected in the large number of excellent entries received, and the judges’ comments confirm the high quality of much of the construction and conservation work now going on across Sussex.”


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