VAP Top Table Storytelling Events

As part of the CBC Sussex 100 you will be invited to our exclusive Top table events, which are invite only and limited to 10 Value Added Partners per month. The premise is to bring a small group of our partners together to share stories and support each other in business.

The events are a mixture of lunches and dinners each month and held at a variety of stunning locations from across Sussex. They include a three course meal, wine and drinks. What makes these events so unique and special is we will use the Different Hats conversation cards to help share stories, make true connections and build long lasting relationships. You will find out something about an attendee you would not usually find out at other events and build relationships on a deeper level. 

To become part of the Sussex 100 and attend these events contact us here.

Big Business Breakfast Club

If you’re new to networking – particularly ‘in real life’ now we’re out of that damn pandemic – then the BBBC is the perfect step-in. Approachable and light hearted, we do exactly what it says on the tin – we get local business owners in a room, ply them with a Full English and enough coffee to sink a battleship, then sit back and watch as the early morning creative fireworks fly.  

You won’t have to stand up and present anything, there are no pressurised elevator pitch sessions, and no-one’s going to randomly put you on the spot. It might be worth practicing your fake laugh though, for when host Steve Darby drops one of his legendarily terrible jokes.  

While The Big Business Breakfast Club has got definite worldwide appeal, at our heart we’re incredibly local-centric. We’re all about supporting (and being supported by) local businesses. Our raison d’être (get us) is working together as a local business collective so we can all move forward. Think of us as a big, warm, business-y group hug – who doesn’t love one of those? Ok fair enough, maybe think of us as a warm and very enthusiastic handshake, after all we are British not American.

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