Business: Global Trade

14th March 2019

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Sussex Chamber of Commerce sits at the heart of local business communities, helping hundreds of companies of every size and sector to grow and thrive. Trade has existed for hundreds of years. Whether directly or indirectly, each and every business contributes to the global economy. Visitors, tourists, employees, components, parts, supplies, food, and currency move around the world helping businesses grow.

The Chamber network is focused on the practicalities of Brexit for business communities across the UK. Since the referendum, the Chamber of Commerce Network has been working together with members, to identify areas where companies have concerns and calling for government to answer those practical and pragmatic questions.

We believe that there’s power in working together. As the UK approaches its departure from the EU, it’s crucial that businesses are doing all they can to prepare for the future, so we’ve compiled resources to help firms plan for change.


There are over 80 networking events throughout Sussex to choose from which provide business with opportunities to network, gain key contacts and insights as to what is happening in the local community and beyond. The international trade forums open doors to allow SME’s to be part of the supply chain and work with larger organisations internationally.

International payment requirements and travelling overseas on business can be a huge cost. Businesses can access Moneycorp, a foreign exchange service which provides benefits such as; free currency accounts, low transfer fees and competitive exchange rates to Chamber members.


Training across your workforce, from shop floor to executive level and in any discipline, improves competitiveness, morale, profitability, market share, customer satisfaction and company reputation and profile. In these uncertain times training increases your ability to respond effectively to change.

Our highly respected international trade courses cover all the main principles of international trade dealings. Our courses provide you with the key skills required in understanding the paperwork, tariff codes, an introduction to export procedures, the use of documentary letters of credit, drafts and bills right through to understanding the rules.


The Sussex Chamber is licensed to certify and arrange legalisation of export documentation. Export documentation is required to comply with import regulations in the country of arrival, evidence the country of manufacture of the goods and ensure payment under a Letter of Credit. The Chamber can help businesses with a variety of export documentation.

No Deal Brexit Contingency Planning

See the illustration that clearly sets out the process here. The Chamber network continues to work to avoid a messy and disorderly exit from the European Union in the 29th March. However, business need answers they can base decisions on, no matter the outcome. This includes the trade documentation to prove origin.

Should the UK reach a withdrawal Agreement with the EU, then the existing documents that the Sussex Chamber currently issues to exporters will continue to be used throughout any period of transition.

As part of our contingency planning for a no-deal Brexit, our colleagues at the British Chambers of Commerce have worked closely with HM Revenue and Customs and Department for International Trade on the revised format of preference and non-preference certificates of origin.

In the event of a no-deal Brexit we have made preparations to enable us to provide exporters with continuity of service through the issuance of revised ‘United Kingdom’ documentation. This will be ready and available in time for March 29th.


The British Chambers has campaigned strongly for official government guidance and they have, where possible, welcomed the technical notices, partnership packs and other details of ‘no-deal’ planning published by the UK Government as a result. The published policies on hiring EU workers, postponed accounting for import VAT and support for the UK’s continued involvement in European standards setting respond directly to Chamber calls for clarity and forward planning. Important though these are, we need the same level of clarity across many other aspects of the business environment – especially international trade where so many basic questions remain unanswered. For a full update please review our website.

The Sussex Chamber is proud to be at the heart of Sussex, providing business the opportunities needed to grow the local and global economy, to develop its employees and the future workforce, to discover new markets and influence key decision makers.

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