Business with Precision

5th February 2016

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Arron Hopkinson, this month speaks about his own business ventures and how his belief in the benefits of sport massage and therapy paid off…


After my last article in SBT’s January edition, I am hoping you’re all reading this with your New Year’s resolutions still in tact. If not then you may need to read it again! Within this issue, I am going to be speaking just a little bit about my business, called Precision Massage.

So, firstly, what is Precision Massage?

Founded by myself upon graduation from Cardiff Metropolitan University, Precision Massage is a sports massage and injury rehabilitation specialist based between City Gym, Eastbourne and Southdown’s physiotherapy clinic in Seaford, East Sussex. We also offer home visits upon request to suit clients if they would prefer massage or injury rehabilitation in the comfort of their own home and also if they are unable to leave the house due to their injury!

 Why did I start up the business?

Upon graduating I wanted to go straight into sport therapy and massage work. However I found that there weren’t a lot of jobs around. I applied for a few jobs and was unsuccessful – which in hindsight is fortunate – but I was struggling to see what I could do next. I was passionate about the benefits of sport therapy, and this inspired me to build something of my own. Thankfully, for myself and my clients, I believe it was a great decision that has paid off.

What are the benefits of sports massage and injury rehabilitation?

As I have mentioned previously, sports massage can be defined as ‘the manipulation of soft tissue to release tension, reduce pain, restore range of movement and promote good condition’. It’s a form of physical therapy used to help recover from and prevent injury. Massage can reduce postural problems, muscular tension, aches, pains, and cramp within the body. It also clears the muscle cells of waste products from exercise, increases recovery and improves performance. This is why it can be so beneficial for a large quantity of individuals ranging from the elderly, to individuals with desk-based roles, sport professionals and many more!

1374353_659996804035307_1863309309_n Our aim at Precision Massage is to:

  • Improve circulation
  • Assist in the removal of metabolic waste
  • Help prevent Injury
  • Increase range of movement
  • Improve relaxation and stress relief
  • Relieve general aches & pains
  • Remodel scar tissue when required
  • Assist in mental preparation and recovery after sporting participation

As you can see, there are various psychological and physical benefits from this type of treatment. People sometimes say to me: “I thought sport massage was just for sporty people?” This couldn’t be more untrue; in fact, most people I see don’t participate in a sport at all. If you feel you would benefit from sport massage or you have a re-occurring injury which you no longer want then we could be of help to you!


Thank you for reading SBT magazine and my article. I hope I am able to provide some helpful information you can take away with you to help you have a happy, healthy and successful 2016.



If you would like to contact me personally regarding any information you have read in this edition of SBT magazine or would like to give Sport Massage a try then please contact me via email at or via

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