Casey from Brighton takes to the stage at the international Women of the World (WOW) festival to encourage a shift to green finance and investments

12th April 2022

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Casey Goodwin encouraged attendees at the Women of the World (WOW) festival to think more carefully about what their money is doing.

The Brighton financial planner, who works for Path Financial – the UK’s leading ethical investment firm – took to the stage in London’s Southbank recently to encourage investors to think more carefully about where their money is invested and the harm it may be doing. 

The financial planner and Head of Paraplanning took part in a session on ‘financial choice, power and freedom’, which included WOW Founder Jude Kelly, who was Artistic Director of the Southbank before she set up WOW which now has events all over the world.

The session was shining a spotlight on how women can be five times poorer when it comes to retirement than men, and the need for women to not only take control of their finances but also to ask more questions about where and how their money is invested and the harm it may be doing.

Path Financial has seen a three-fold increase in enquiries since the Ukraine invasion started, as more people are starting to ask questions about where their money is invested. 

Casey thinks this is a trend that will only continue, commenting: “A lot of people don’t always realise the difference they can make with their money. Ethical investing resonates with many women when they hear about it and that’s why I was keen to help spread the message at the WOW Festival this weekend. 

“By choosing green investments we can show that we care about future generations and are actively choosing not to cause harm by investing in things like fossil fuels.”

As well as being a financial planner and paraplanner, Casey is also a talented artist and created the designs for a series of postcards that were available at the event. 

Her designs can be viewed at: