Chamber News: Chichester Chamber of Commerce

17th July 2017

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Sussex Business Times has partnered with Chichester Chamber of Commerce again this month, providing insight on what to expect in the community in upcoming months 

There has been so much going on over the last few months that we’re giving a snapshot of recent news and forthcoming events…

Institute of Economic Development Board appoints Julie Kapsalis, Chair of Chichester Chamber of Commerce and Industry

Firstly, huge congratulations to Julie Kapsalis, Chairman of our Chamber who has been co-opted to the Institute of Economic Development Board. This will initially be for a year and Julie is delighted to have this opportunity to help shape the national stage – this is alongside her role at the Coast to Capital Local Enterprise Partnership and she is also Vice Chair at Chichester College.   Julie brings a wealth of experience with her to the role, having previously been a Director of Business programme at the South-East England Development Agency, where she also advised on Women’s Enterprise.

Fishbourne Roman Palace Charity Quiz Night

Once again, our members were busy having fun and raising funds at our resoundingly successful Quiz night – this time for Fishbourne Roman Palace. Chichester Park Hotel kindly provided the venue with delicious nibbles and a bar on tap, and our fabulous Quiz Master, Chris Coopey from MHA Carpenter Box whipped up enthusiasm and competitiveness between teams to raise the grand total of £804.04! This was proudly presented at our May members meeting by our Vice-Chair, Shelagh Legrave.

The money is going towards the re-design of the Roman garden, and members can see for themselves on July 10th what a difference the funds have made. If you are not currently a CCCI member but would like to come along as a guest you would be very welcome, just visit our website at to book your place. Please also keep your fingers crossed for sunshine!

Appointment of new Chief Executive Officers to our Chamber

We also have news of our own to share with you: – Julie Harrison and Sue Garman have been appointed as the new CEO’s of Chichester Chamber of Commerce and Industry in a shared role. Some of you may remember Julie, as the previous Business Development Director of the Chamber. After a break of nearly 3 years we are delighted and honoured to welcome Julie back as she brings a wealth of experience and an excellent understanding of our local business needs and challenges. As part of a job share, having acted as Interim Business Development Director for a few months, Sue is also delighted to be appointed to work alongside Julie as part of a vibrant, forward thinking team who are excited to be taking the Chamber forward in the coming months. The team is completed by Gayle Dixon who works tirelessly behind the scenes to ensure that everything happens smoothly!

Join us!

Join Chichester Chamber of Commerce & Industry

From just £99

Membership benefits include:

  • Events and networking
  • Policy and public affairs
  • Workshops and training
  • Business advice and services
  • New business opportunities

 Dates for your diary

10 July – Networking Chamber Monthly Meeting

12 July – The Chichester Business Breakfast in conjunction with Chichester College

2 August – Speed Networking with our neighbours! In conjunction with Worthing & Adur, Brighton & Hove, Bognor Regis and Sussex Chambers of Commerce 

For more details visit

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