Changing perceptions of effective first aid

8th March 2023

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Did you know that there is one particular item of clothing that could seriously impact the effectiveness of a defibrillator on women? Jenny Legg is a lady on a mission to help us understand and demystify this fact.

Jenny is the owner of Training Legs First Aid, lead trainer for First Aid for Mental Health, co-founder of the First Aid Facilitators Forum and head ambassador for her campaign ‘Bra Off Defib On’ #GetYourTitsOutForThePads.

This new campaign was launched last year after Jenny found out that women are 30% less likely to have a Defibrillator used on them correctly because they are wearing a bra, which should be removed.

Jenny’s new campaign aims to use clear messaging to tackle misconceptions and break down barriers that prevent the correct use of a defibrillator. She teaches first aid trainees that women don’t just NOT mind, but actually need the defibrillator operator to cut away or remove their bra first, so that their lives could potentially be saved. She also wants to generate awareness amongst the general public, so that bystanders don’t try to prevent the bra removal and aren’t alarmed at this “shocking behaviour”, if you pardon the pun.

Jenny is a learning and development professional who has been delivering first aid training sessions since 2008. With a background in teaching adults and facilitating their learning in an emergency, she aims to ensure that all first aid delegates who participate in her courses, go away from a course competent and confident in their abilities to save a life and prevent situations from worsening.

Throughout her career, Jenny has trained thousands of delegates specifically in first aid. She always makes sure the training is suitable for the delegates attending, as well as complying with Health and Safety regulations (HSE requirements).

Her company Training Legs First Aid, a clever play on Jenny’s surname, offers recognised qualifications for families and businesses in South East England. 

Jenny specialises in First Aid at Work, Paediatric First Aid, Defibrillator workshops and First Aid for Mental Health. The sessions are interactive, fun, and encourage participation. With her friendly approach, she aims to build confidence and competence in responding to medical emergencies. Her experienced and highly qualified team has trained over a thousand people in lifesaving skills, and are passionate about what they teach.

As Jenny puts it: “I am a mother of two boys who keep me well practised in the practical side of First Aid and I know firsthand what it is like to administer care to a loved one. I believe that everyone can help someone in an emergency. My job is to give everyone the ability through knowledge and learning a new skill.”

Training Legs First Aid has now grown to incorporate Mental Health First Aid under its offerings. Research has shown that work is the biggest cause of stress, stopping people from performing at their best. Mental health conditions are often hidden due to stigma and fear of discrimination and research has shown that a culture of fear and silence around mental health is costly to employers. Mental Health First Aid courses provide learners with the knowledge to recognise a range of mental health conditions, start a supportive conversation, and know when and how to signpost a person to seek appropriate professional help.

Jenny also volunteers in delivering first Aad to her local community groups, scouts and youth club. She is a school trustee and committed member of the Southwater Litter Pickers.

Recently, Jenny was named in the f:Entrepreneur #ialso100 campaign. The #ialso100 campaign celebrates a growing trend of women creating new ways of working, and new measures of success for entrepreneurship. They state; “We are moving from the single job career to a world where it is possible and encouraged to do many things, often interconnecting, at the same time across the work and personal spectrum – and be passionate about them all.”

By highlighting the many ways in which women are creating successful businesses and balancing work and personal passions, the campaign can inspire others to pursue their own entrepreneurial dreams. Each member of #ialso100 is celebrated on their website and social media and invited to numerous monthly events. By elevating the voices and perspectives of female entrepreneurs, the campaign is helping to raise awareness of the challenges they face and push for changes that can better support their success.

Clearly Jenny fits the bill perfectly. Her drive and passion to enable people to help others in an emergency, and her move to focus on the important, potentially life-saving ‘Bra Off Defib On’ campaign, as well as the many other areas in which Jenny is involved, are the epitome of the drive behind the #ialso100 campaign. 

This dynamic lady has so much to celebrate and admire, and her positive energy is infectious. But if you take one thing away from reading about Jenny, right now she wants it to be her campaign slogan: Bra off, Defib on – a simple phrase with life-saving consequences.