Child entrepreneurs hailed as rising stars in the world of business after winning award from Dragons’ Den member

2nd July 2021

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Two young entrepreneurs from East Sussex have been hailed as rising stars in the world of business.

Jack Knight ,15, and his brother  Harry, 12, won the small business award from Dragons’ Den star Theo Paphitis in November 2020 after forming  Animate Our Logo  during the first lockdown. 

“When schools closed down earlier in the year, we saw this as an opportunity to follow our dreams and start a new business,” said  Jack  and  Harry  who are from Eastbourne. 

“Lockdown meant we had more time and we wanted to reclaim this time and put it to good use. In March of last year, we were already exploring the idea of home schooling so when the lockdown happened it was natural for us to progress.”

The boys’ father  David Knight  recognised that, with so much time wasted at school in a day, home schooling allowed for a lot more free time to be used productively. 

“After we realised that we could home school for four days, we spent one Friday working together to create a business,” said  David . “We locked ourselves in with pizza and figured out a business plan – with the boys eventually deciding on an animation service for logos.

“With a passion for business trends and skills from a web design agency, they were able to recognise that, the way in which social media algorithms work, videos appear in front of people first when users are scrolling.”

Animate Our Logo  is a service that turns a logo into an eye-catching animation for use on social media, YouTube and marketing videos.

“As the business grew, we looked at upselling,”  David  added. “Products like explainer videos were upsold with the logos and we had a subscription service where the boys send an animation for their company every year.”

The business continued to grow until last November  when Mr Paphitis  picked  Animate Our Logo  as Small Business Sunday winners – personally chosen by the entrepreneur. The boys got a place on the retail magnate’s website and were invited to an online networking event.

“It was never about making money for us,”  David  said. “It was always about using the time that home schooling gave us to further develop the boys and give them transferrable skills they can take into the future 

“They’re not just talented animators, they’re businessmen first and foremost – building relationships, networks and confidence that will put them in a great position. We’ve been able to work the business in around their studies with that time that they could have wasted in school being claimed back for valuable personal development they’re having which is going to carry them into the future.

“Contact with people such as The Apprentice winner Joseph Valente, who did a LinkedIn post about the boys, continues to give them a great starting point to build new ventures and form lifelong partnerships.”