Commercial finance: investing today for tomorrow

18th January 2023

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If you resolved that 2023 will be the year to push your business forward, finance is available, writes Andy Page, Head of Commercial Finance at Seico Group. 

When was the last time we’ve been able to operate in a ‘normal’ business environment? Ten years? Twenty even? 

The last three years have seen a pandemic which continues to impact the economy every day and prior to that we’ve had Brexit, referendums, austerity and a financial crisis whose shock waves continue to be felt. 

And that’s before we consider the wisdom of installing a revolving door at No 10. 

These once in a generation/lifetime/millennium events have come round with increasing regularity – anyone proposing to wait until everything calms down before making that significant business investment is likely to be left behind. 

If you have decided you’re not prepared to wait and that now is the right time to grow your business then no doubt you have formulated a plan. Whatever it involves, that plan will require capital expenditure and for many people this will have to be borrowed. 

Despite a common perception at the moment that money is simply not there, my experience of the market is that the opposite is true. 

Business lending was not subject to the volatility that was seen in the residential market last Autumn. Deals were not pulled, drawbridges were not raised and finance is accessible to the business community, now.

There are many lenders out there, each with their own preference and niche – at Seico I speak with them regularly. 

I can do that on your behalf to find the right structure and pricing model for your business. In my experience there is nearly always a lender to be matched to every customer, as long as their business plan is viable. 

So if you’re looking to take the next step, but figure that you won’t be able to raise the money, you may be in for a pleasant surprise.

Please don’t be shy about getting in touch with Andy Page for a chat on: 01273 778888 or via email: