Company culture: people matter at Overline

25th July 2019

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A lot has changed at Overline in the past 18 months. It is has grown, introduced new branding and, importantly, seen a shift in company culture that is making a real difference.

The managed services and telecoms specialist says it wants every single person in its team to feel they make a valuable contribution. Staff say they enjoy working in a friendly environment where everyone matters and is listened to.

To find out what working at Overline is really like, we spoke to its team members.


Jason Drury is a Technical Consultant and has worked at Overline for two years.

When asked what he most likes about his job, he said: “Variety. I have different day to day tasks and am also involved in many internal projects which gives me a lot of responsibility and the opportunity to improve my knowledge and skillset.”

If he was recommending Overline to a potential customer or prospective employee, he would say: “On both levels, you will be working with a friendly and professional team that will do their utmost best to help you.

“As a customer you will be provided with great customer service by genuine, nice people. As an employee, you will be listened to and treated equally, you will gain valuable experience and learn the necessary skills to progress yourself.”

So, what positive changes have happened at Overline in the past 18 months?

Jason says: “With Jason Young taking full control of Overline, the introduction of Cath as operations director and the addition of Steve to the operations team, with several other structure changes, this means that the company is moving in another direction.

“An overhaul of internal processes and a change to the way things used to be done allows a more streamlined, professional approach to how day to day tasks are carried out. Improving not only the customer experience but also the experience of being an employee.”

Looking to the future, he added: “They will invest in you as a person. If you are honest and hardworking, put in the time and effort, this won’t be overlooked.

Jason and the company have looked after me through a tough time recently. At the end of last year I was diagnosed with cancer. Having to go through various treatment throughout the year, I haven’t had to worry about being paid or work at all. They made sure I was ready to come back and facilitated with my recovery.  I have felt nothing but welcomed since I have come back and noticed a definite improvement in working environment and atmosphere.

Duncan Ives is a Field Sales Executive. He says he likes “he entire team, the atmosphere in the office and the ability to build my own diary”.

He added: “They are extremely professional, and have the customer at the heart of what they do. They believe in you and contribute to your success through a thorough training  programme to ensure you completely comfortable in delivering your new role”

Duncan says of the culture: “The culture is extremely friendly and hard working. Your success is the company’s success.”


Jessica Scott is a Customer Support Consultant and joined Overline in January. She said: “I really enjoy working with new and existing customers on a daily basis and helping them with their new phone installs and any queries they may have. I also love working in a really positive environment and with pro-active team which support each other in all areas.

“We care about our customers from start to finish and we are always happy to help. With Overline its not about the size of your business nor the amount of customers we have its insuring our customers receive the best customer service and know that they can put their trust in a telecoms company to look after telecommunication services without worrying.”

“I have seen all the department at Overline grow and develop but even more the support team which work hard and well together to resolve customer issues and queries as quickly and professionally as we can. I have seen our processes improve and the team grow from strength to strength with new members of the team joining us and our managers supporting us daily and when required.”

Jessica added: “I would say that the Overline is like one big family and we are all very welcoming, friendly and happy. I work with multiple departments on a daily basis and can say I know everyone’s name at Overline and we are all honestly interested in each other’s lives. Jason is a very hands on owner who always says good morning and cares about his staff and customers, which is clearly shown by him regularly checking in on departments and having chats with individual people in relation to their roles and personal welfare.”

Andrew C Lusty-Kyejjusa is a Technical Consultant and joined Overline just three months ago. He said: “Being a new member of staff it has been very refreshing to start with a company who give me the tools to do my job and not being micromanaged.

“To a customer, I would say we always put the customer and their needs, 1st. Being new to the company it was evident from my 1st day I was working with a friendly and professional group of people who made me feel welcome and part of the team from day one.”

Andrew points out that Overline has a dynamic working environment, allowing me to have more time supporting my customers.

Of the company, Andrew adds: “It’s friendly – always striving for better.”

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