Connection and Prizes at the Sussex Business Show 2023

17th October 2023

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Smiling faces welcomed you through the iconic arch.

You were handed a bright, colourful name tag to swing around your neck.

You paused to look at the map of the floor layout, before entering the main doors…

But this was not the entrance to any venue, nor for any event…

This was the brand new venue of choice. The Brighton Dome, for the one-of-a-kind expo that was the Sussex Business Show 2023.

The Brighton Dome Factor

Last month, the Dome triumphantly exhibited Van Gogh. This month, the Brighton Dome dazzled and shone with the vibrancy of over 100 exhibitors. Iconic and well-loved on the Brighton scene and further afield, the Dome has a rich history of royalty, arts and the Sussex Business Show.

Upon entering the show, you could sense the energy in the room from exhibitors and guests alike. Countless bold brand colours, prizes galore and interest-piquing slogans surrounded you.

Larger-than-life stands grabbed attention, featuring a massage chair for those needing some time off their feet, as well as a roaring F1 racing car. Drawing out the most competitive of spirits, the F1 racing car was a hit, providing entertainment for those watching on.

The Gaming Twist

Attendees were avidly engaged by these displays and more, creating a buzz that resonated throughout the venue.

In fact, more than 25% of the exhibitors incorporated a gaming element to their stands to help entice visitors. This approach not only injected a sense of fun but also proved to be a game-changer for engagement.

Visitors responded positively to the interactive stands, which created a dynamic and participatory atmosphere.

Focusing on what matters

Yet not all the action was in the main expo hall with the exhibitors.

The secondary theme of the Sussex Business Show was a poignant nod towards addressing a crucial subject – Mental Health and Wellbeing.

Several engaging talks on this subject captivated audiences. The innovative use of silent seminar headphones ensured an intimate and immersive experience.

From themes of failure, to marketing for impact – the business masterclasses helped focus the audience’s priorities. The emphasis on mental health underscored Sussex Business Show’s commitment to a holistic way of business.

Roaring entrepreneurs

The Tiger’s Pen, a unique opportunity for innovators and entrepreneurs to pitch their ideas for investment and guidance, was a roaring success.

Following feedback from previous shows, the Tiger’s Pen was hosted away from the main venue at the Jubilee Library with the BIPC. The exclusive venue created a dynamic and inviting atmosphere which all enjoyed.

The Sussex Business Show 2023 was a resounding success.

The team have truly played their aces, and are already in full preparation for next year’s event.

As the curtains drew to a close on this year’s expo, it left in its wake a trail of inspired exhibitors, engaged attendees, and a community with a higher expectation of what networking and expos should be.

The Sussex Business Show is back next year for 2024…

Please visit the website on October 28th to see something new