County Business Clubs’ Wine of the Month August 2024

13th August 2024

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Cvne Rioja Reserva Vintage 2018

This month’s Wine of the Month comes from the famous Rioja region of Northern Spain. The reason I have chosen this wine is that it is a good representation of a fine Rioja Bodega consistently producing excellent, affordable wine that can be enjoyed on its own or with food.

The history of Compañía Vinícola del Norte de España began back in 1879 at this winery in Barrio de la Estación train station in the town of Haro more than 140 years ago. The first wine by CVNE  took the name of the company’s initials. However, a simple and fortunate spelling error, confusing the V with a U, led to the creation of the iconic Cune brand. The winery produces the finest quality white,

rosé and gran reserva wines for the local Spanish and international markets.

This Reserva Rioja is made from a careful blend of Tempranillo 85%, with 15% made up of Garnacha and Graciano grapes. I enjoy reds at all times of the year as a way to relax with a nice glass of wine after work. The key thing to remember with reds in the summer is to serve a few degrees below room temperature around 17/18 degrees centigrade so that there is a contrast when you drink it.

Michael’s tasting notes

The bottle is sealed with a traditional cork and has a 14% alcohol level which is in balance with this well made wine.

One the nose – Dark berries, blackberry, plum with wood and light vanilla from the American oak. There is a light green freshness in the background

On the palate  Again, there is a lot of dark fruit, blackberry and sour cherry. The bottle ageing brings leathery notes The body is medium and smooth mouth feel. There are subtle spices coming through, nutmeg and cinnamon. It’s a well balanced wine.

Food pairing – The wine is fine on its own and will also work with roasted red meats and casseroles or Italian Ragu.

Where to buy

This wine is widely available from many large supermarkets such as Waitrose or Sainsburys , typically around £15 a bottle which is great for a six-year-old, well-made Rioja. It is often on offer from time to time with it having 25% off RRP so watch out for these offers.

Written for County Business Club by Michael Yeoman, English Wine Specialist and producer of Spirit of the Downs, award winning local artisan Brandies and Grape Vodka at Bolney.