Creative Pod: Winner – Team of the Year Award

1st February 2021

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Creative Pod thrive during economic crisis of 2020

The year 2020 is one that will never be forgotten. It was a year of unimaginable change, isolation, separation, and adaptation. As we begin 2021 in our third national lockdown, COVID-19 poses a bigger threat to our nation than ever. The largest vaccination programme in history, however, now offers a light at the end of the tunnel. But with the economic climate likely to be affected for years to come, how have local businesses coped in these unprecedented times?

Award winning marketing agency, Creative Pod, which is part of The Creative Group, have experienced the full force of the global changes over the last 10 months. Like all office-based businesses, they had to discover overnight how to operate from home, but as a marketing agency, they had to adapt at lightning speed to ensure they could support all their clients heightening needs as the country went into its first national lockdown.

Head of marketing at Creative Pod, Sarah Lyons, said “Whilst most businesses had to work out how to conduct their own business from home, we had to do that, on top of assisting our clients to do the same and get messages out to all their customers. It was quite a learning curve, and had to be done very quickly, but as a close-knit marketing team, we are used to being flexible which worked in our favour! There were of course many obstacles to overcome, but Creative Pod has expanded greatly since the beginning of 2020. Of course, for some businesses the decision to stop marketing was inevitable, as the economic climate worsened, however most of our clients trusted us and saw that advertising was the best way to ride the storm, and we actually gained many new clients because of it.”

Over the last 11 months, Creative Pod have gained thirty clients, which included roughly one new client each week at the height of their demand. They have also completed sixteen full website creations since March 2020, with another eight in current development.

They soon had to expand their staff, and since June 2020, have employed six new individuals to the team, including two marketing executives, one digital designer, and one marketing assistant. The dynamic team is now made up of ten people, meaning they have doubled in the last year.

All of this culminated in Creative Pod winning the Team of the Year Award at the Sussex Business Awards in December after being nominated for four recognitions.

Matt Turner, CEO of Creative Pod, said “Winning the award was a great way to round off 2020, as it recognised the whole team’s enormous efforts! All of the team had really gone the extra mile during such a challenging year, and being recognised for it is an excellent representation of the work they have put in. The logistics and financial implications are one area that has been affected by COVID-19, but I was also determined to keep up the team morale and make sure we stayed connected, as my team are what makes Creative Pod so special. Creativity is key in our business, and that only happens if people are happy and motivated!”

During the first national lockdown, the whole team had twice daily zoom calls to discuss all the tasks and meetings coming up, and to then debrief on what had unfolded over the day. They also started weekly Friday quizzes after their meeting to catch up properly and bring the team together over a drink. Throughout the year, everyone would contribute to send gifts when it was somebody’s birthday, and CEO, Matt Turner sent everyone a hamper of luxury, locally hand-made chocolates for Christmas as a thank you for all their hard work during the year.

Marketing Assistant, Becca Torricelli, said, “It was very strange and rather nerve wracking starting a new job in a global pandemic, but everyone made me feel so welcome. Even though we couldn’t go into the office, I managed to get to know everybody, and I often forget that I’ve actually only met half of the team face-to-face! I think it’s rare, especially in the current circumstances when stress levels are high, to be working in a business where the management is so supportive and encouraging, and the whole team genuinely enjoy each other’s company; it’s made working from home a great deal easier.”

Creative Pod are a prime example of how local businesses have survived and thrived the relentless setbacks of the past year. If you would like support or advice with your marketing, contact Creative Pod at