Delivering delight: who will win Customer Experience Awards at Sussex Business Show?

5th May 2023

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What does customer experience mean to you? 

If you were to close your eyes and think of the best customer experience you’ve ever had, what would spring to mind?

Was it that speedy email response to your question at 3.06pm that one Friday? Was it that time you didn’t have to wait for elevator music to fry your brains before someone answered your call? Was it the time when you didn’t even have to go anywhere other than Twitter to get your problem resolved?

Customer experience means different things to different customers. But, ultimately, it’s leaving the customer with a good feeling about the brand, individual or company they just dealt with. It’s knowing they are being looked after, and that they feel like they care. 

Network Xpress, the brand behind the Sussex Business Show, is all about people. Which is why they place a large emphasis on highlighting and celebrating those who care and look after their customers. Each year the Customer Xperience (CX) Awards at Network Xpress recognise businesses that have demonstrated exceptional dedication to delivering outstanding customer experiences.

Last year’s event showcased some stellar customer experience companies. Yeoman’s Toyota Brighton took the coveted first-place spot. Nettl Face Media Group stole second and Knockhatch Family Adventure Park came in third. Gatwick Diamond Business received an honourary mention.

How are the winners chosen?

Such customer experience awards are typically given out by third-party organisations or industry associations that specialise in customer service research and benchmarking.

Why is good to win a CX Award?

Network Xpress loves shouting about businesses that deliver exceptional experiences for their customers. And it’s not just important for the recognition at an event…

Businesses that receive customer experience awards typically enjoy increased brand recognition, reputation, and customer loyalty (and consequently increased sales and revenue). It’s a badge of honour and should be worn as such too. Winning such an award generally means your customers view you as more trustworthy, reliable and customer-focused. 

Network Xpress prides itself on the customer experience and values other like-minded businesses that do the same. Is your business in the running to be a winner at this year’s CX Awards at the Sussex Business Show. What could you do to be more customer-centric and deliver the best customer experience possible? 

Register by visiting the site. Good luck to all the exhibitors of the tradeshow this year.